steveblue / react-starter

React Starter Code with Parcel, SSR, PostCSS, Storybook, Jest, TSLint, HMR

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React Starter

Example of how to setup a React project with Parcel.

  • ⚛ React
  • ✅ TypeScript
  • ☄️ Server Side Rendering
  • ⚡️ Hot Module Replacement
  • ⛱ Lazyloading
  • 🧪 Unit Tests
  • 📖 Storybook
  • 👄 SASS
  • 🏝 PostCSS
  • 💇‍♂️ Prettier
  • 🌎 i18n

Getting Started

This project uses yarn so run npm i -g yarn if you haven't already.

yarn install
yarn start

Visit http://localhost:3200 in your browser. The server is also configurable for HTTPS.

For a complete list of commands, look no further...


Command Description
yarn dev Start development server w/ HMR, livereload
yarn dev:ssr Start development server w/ SSR
yarn prod Build project for production
yarn serve Start node server
yarn lint Lint source code with TSLint
yarn test Test source code with Jest / Enzyme
yarn storybook Start storybook development server

⚡️ Development Server

Run yarn dev to start up a development server with hot module replacement and livereload. This dev environment is client side only.

To develop with server-side rendering, run yarn dev:ssr.

Production Server

yarn prod builds the application for production. To view the production build in browser, run NODE_ENV=production node dist/server. This configuration enables gzip compression and server-side rendering.


To configure SSL, place cert.pem and key.pem files in .config/ssl.

Change the serve command to use https.

"serve": "PROTOCOL=HTTPS node dist/server"

Update the dev command so Parcel can reference the same files in the development server.

"dev": "NODE_ENV=development npm run generate-imported-components && parcel src/client/index.html --hmr-port 1235 --port 3200 --cert .config/ssl/cert.pem --key .config/ssl/key.pem"

✅ TypeScript

This project is configured to use TypeScript and TSX.

☄️ Server Side Rendering

react-helmet does all the heavy lifting. Express handles the requests, while a custom middleware server-side renders the view.


react-imported-component is used to handle lazyloading with React. This package was chosen because it is compatible with server-side rendering.

const Page = importComponent(() => import("./view/page/Page"), {

🧪Unit Tests

jest and enzyme are configured to handle unit tests by default.


The popular design system library is scaffolded and ready to go.


node-sass and postcss are configured by default for styling. Simply include a stylesheet in the index.html or any .tsx file.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/style.scss">
import "./root.scss";


Code is autoformatted with prettier, because nobodys got time for that. This project is linted with tslint.


react-intl handles localization. The demo app features localized server-side rendered views.

Really, Another React Starter In 2020?

Parcel is faster than Webpack and has zero configuration to maintain. If I'm getting started with React in 2020 I want to be able to leverage and speed and agility of Parcel. Sure, I could have used Next.js or any of the other Webpack based starter code, but then I would have never learned how all the bits and pieces work together.

After spending years with Angular CLI I can't say I'm a big fan of starter code projects. Having distributed my last starter code in 2015, I find CLI tools make it way easier to bootstrap applications. Who knows? Maybe this is the beginning of a CLI that scaffolds this starter code.


React Starter Code with Parcel, SSR, PostCSS, Storybook, Jest, TSLint, HMR


Language:TypeScript 61.2%Language:JavaScript 19.7%Language:CSS 16.3%Language:HTML 2.7%