steve-liang / AWS_thingy

Misc for AWS EC2

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AWS Thingy

Mac is my preferred environment

Accessing AWS EC2 from mac is more convenient than from Windows, because terminal is the tool for SSH. All I need is the AWS key pair and the IP address of my EC2 instance.

However, one issue I ran into is that I need to convert my .PPK (PuTTy key format) file to .PEM (Mac). So I need to install putty on Mac OS to do key conversion. But before I can install putty, I also need to install port, which is an apt-get equivalent for mac.


  1. Download port from
  2. Install port
  3. In terminal, navigate to key folder and then run puttygen your_key.ppk -O private-openssh -o your_key.pem to get the conversion processed
  4. Make key read by owner chmod 400 your_key.pem
  5. Log on to my EC2 instance ssh -i your_key.pem ubuntu@ip_address

Frequently used commands on Ubuntu


There is a good walk-through from DigitalOcean (

  • Check MySQL status

    • sudo service mysql status, ctrl-c to exit
  • Log on MySQL

    • mysql -u root -p for now I use root and default password
    • steve:l*****7*
  • Generally I use MySQL Workbench remotely for database management; require aws key pair for SSH authentication; also make sure EC2 security is open for MySQL port 3306

  • Connecting to MySQL using R

conn <- dbConnect(
    drv = RMySQL::MySQL(),
    dbname = "mysql",
    group = "destination",
    host = "",
    port = 3306,
    username = "xxx",
    password = "xxxx")
rs <- dbSendQuery(conn, "SELECT * FROM user;")

Ubuntu Misc

  • Run program as root R -i

  • check system RAM cat /proc/meminfo or free -m

  • check disk space df -h

  • check system status htop need sudo apt-get install htop


  • Install AWS CLI pip install awscli --upgrade --user
  • export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
  • load profile source ~/.bash_profile
  • Configure AWS CLI:
    • add AmazonS3FullAccess and IAMFullAccess to user permission
    • Now you can use aws cli for S3 bucket access, e.g. aws s3 ls s3://spacenet-dataset/ --request-payer requester


Misc for AWS EC2