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TiNy Simple Command-Line Interface for Titanium

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TiNy CLI Titanium

TiNy is a hook for the Titanium CLI's build command that allows you to do the same using less keystrokes. It has built-in smarts (magic ingredients)and aliasses (recipes), but also allows you to compose and save your own recipes.

WARNING: Version 1.0 is a complete rewrite with lots of breaking changes!

Quick Start npm

  1. Install TiNy via NPM:

    sudo npm install -g tn --unsafe-perm

    You need --unsafe-perm to allow TiNy to hook into the Titanium CLI.

  2. If for some reason hooking into the Titanium CLI still failed, use the TiNY CLI for this:

    tn install
  3. Build a project to the iPad simulator using the built-in default ios recipe:

    ti build ipad

    Or save 6 more keystrokes via the TiNy CLI. As long as the first argument doesn't match a TiNy CLI command it will pass any args on to ti build.

    tn ipad
  4. Compose custom recipes and use magic ingredients:

    tn save ship-my-app 37304C9F-B2E0-490A-9800-0448A33BECE9 "Fokke Zandbergen (E8978765FC)"

    And build a new version as easy as:

    ti build ship-my-app

Magic ingredients

A magic ingredient allows you to set multiple options by recognizing characteristics of one of its values.

Provisioning Profile & Distribution Certificate

An argument matching /^[0-9A-Z]{8}-[0-9A-Z]{4}-[0-9A-Z]{4}-[0-9A-Z]{4}-[0-9A-Z]{12}$/i will be recognized and upper-cased as a value for the pp-uuid option.

An argument matching /^.+ \([0-9A-Z]{10}\)$/i will be recognized and upper-cased as a value for either the developer-name or distribution-name option, depending on the target option, set either before or after.

Both magic ingredients will also set --platform ios and --target dist-appstore, unless any other argument explicitely sets a different value.


ti build -p ios -T dist-appstore --pp-uid 37304C9F-B2E0-490A-9800-0448A33BECE9 --distribution-name "Fokke Zandbergen (E8978765FC)"


ti build 37304C9F-B2E0-490A-9800-0448A33BECE9 "Fokke Zandbergen (E8978765FC)"


tn 37304C9F-B2E0-490A-9800-0448A33BECE9 "Fokke Zandbergen (E8978765FC)"

SDK version

An argument matching /^[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]/ will be recognized as a value for the sdk option. If you don't pass an SDK version you will still see it in the final arguments as the Titanium CLI will always insert the default SDK version.


An argument matching /\.keystore$/ will be recognized as a value for the keystore option. This will also set --platform android and --target dist-playstore unless any other arguments explicitly sets a different value.


A recipe is simply an argument that stands for a group of other arguments, which may also include other recipes. There are built-in recipes, but you can also add your own or override built-ins.

  • List all recipes: tn list

Colors will show you which recipes are built-in, user and user-overrides.


These are the current built-in recipes. In bold are recipes used within other recipes.

  • Build to iOS Simulator for iPad running 6.1: ti build ipad6

If you have handy custom recipes you think everybody should have, please send a PR or open a ticket to have them added to the built-ins.

name recipe
android --platform android
blackberry --platform blackberry
ios --platform ios
mobileweb --platform mobileweb
tizen --platform tizen
ipad --device-family ipad
iphone --device-family iphone
ip iphone
universal --device-family universal
uni universal
appstore ios --target dist-appstore
as appstore
playstore android --target dist-playstore
play playstore
ps playstore
distribute blackberry --target distribute
dist distribute
adhoc ios --target dist-adhoc
ah adhoc
emulator --target emulator
emu emulator
simulator --target simulator
sim simulator
device --target device
ioses ios device --device-id all
droid android device
desktop -output-dir ~/Desktop
ip7 --sim-version 7.0 --sim-type iphone
ip6 --sim-version 6.1 --sim-type iphone
ipad7 --sim-version 7.0 --sim-type ipad
ipad6 --sim-version 6.1 --sim-type ipad

Default recipe

As you saw in the Quick Start, you can build for ios using just ti build or tn. This is because out of the box the ios built-in recipe is always prepended to the input arguments. You can change the default recipe using the CLI:

tn default android device

Custom recipes

The user recipes are stored in ~/.tn.json and override built-in recipes sharing the same name. Use the TiNy CLI to edit them:

tn save ios --target android # overrides the built-in 'ios'
tn rename ios confusing      # 'ios' will point to built-in again
tn remove confusing

Skip TiNy

Add skip as one of the arguments to have to skip TiNy and just have ti build continue as it were.

Verbose mode

If you want to know exactly what TiNy is doing, e.g. when you're composing a new recipe, you can enable verbose-mode by passing verbose as one of the arguments. Apart from showing how TiNy cooks the end-result, it will also pause before actually executing it, asking if you want to save it as a recipe, just run it or exit.

Titanium options & flags

As a CLI hook TiNy knows all about the available options and flags for the specific SDK you're building against, including any options of other plug-ins. It uses this information to tell if an argument is an option or a flag, but that's not all.

Long names

TiNy will also convert option abbreviations (-T)to long names (--target). It needs to do this to not end up with both -T and --target if a magic ingredient or recipe sets the same option.

Implicit platform

If an argument is found to apply to only one platform, it will automatically also set the platform option itself. This enables you to do ti build --device-family ipad.

Output dir

If --target is set to dist-adhoc and no --output-dir is given, then the default {CWD}/dist will be set.


As shown you can use the TiNy CLI as an alias for ti build. Because of the default recipe executing tn will not give you help. For this you will need to explicitely run tn -h.

The help will show you the commands available, mainly for dealing with user recipes like described above.


A command we haven't talked about yet it tn reset. This will simply delete ~/.tn.json restoring all built-in recipes.

Install & Uninstall

Two other commands only briefly mentioned in the Quick Start are for installing (tn install) and uninstalling (tn uninstall) TiNy as a hook for the Titanium CLI. These are executed automatically when you install or uninstall TiNy over NPM.

Breaking changes in 1.0

Version 1.x is a complete re-write of TiNy, breaking:

  • No more support for T=emulator and T:emulator option+value notation.
  • No more magic ingredient for the output option.


When you find issues, please report them. Be sure to include all of the output from the gittio command that didn't work as expected. Also please check if there's not already in issue for it.


  • No longer need long names by checking both abbreviated and long name when setting an argument from a recipe or magic ingredient.
  • Add more magic ingredients.
  • Add more built-in recipes.


Copyright 2013 Fokke Zandbergen

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


TiNy Simple Command-Line Interface for Titanium