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AngularJS style guide

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#AngularJS Best Practices

##Feature Driven Development See:

Feature driven development is more about how you organise and structure your application than how you code the functionality. Rather than produce 1 large complicated app you create discreet pieces and couple them together.

###By type - No Files organised by type means having your controllers, services, filters, directives, views etc. placed in their respective folders. Nothing is discrete, development and testing is done in large blocks. Large applications quickly become overly complex.

|- controllers
|--- controllers.mod.js
|--- home.ctrl.js
|--- about.ctrl.js
|--- contact.ctrl.js
|--- login.ctrl.js
|- services
|--- auth.svc.js

###By Feature - Yes The application is organised by the self-contained features that it requires. Each feature can be plugged into or out of the application with relative ease. It is not baked directly into the application’s foundations. Both development and testing is conducted within the scope of each feature.

|- home
|--- home.mod.js
|--- home.ctrl.js
|- about
|--- about.mod.js
|--- about.ctrl.js
|- contact
|--- contact.mod.js
|--- contact.ctrl.js
|- login
|--- login.mod.js
|--- login.ctrl.js
|--- auth.svc.js

See the ngTemplate project for an example of how to organise your application and what each directory is used for.

##Module Declaration Modules should be declared using the global angular variable like so:

// app module
angular.module('demo', [

// sub-module
  • No additional global variables are required
  • You can access your modules from everywhere
  • Modules can be placed into different files
  • You can use the function-form of use strict;

##Dependency Injection See:

There are two types of dependencies you can include in your modules and controllers. The first is listing your required modules and the second is injecting services into your controllers.

###Requiring modules

angular.module('demo', [

This is a fairly standard process of how we require modules in AngularJS. Naming conventions are covered in the next section but you can see here that required modules should be grouped by feature.

###Injecting dependencies

Should be done explicity to prevent errors during minification and disjointed dependencies within your code.

.controller('homeCtrl', ['$scope', '$state', function ($scope, $state) { }])

##Naming Conventions It is important to provide distinct names to components of your application. This mitigates the possibility that the angular source, 3rd party libraries and shared components will have clashing module names, giving unexpected results.

###Prefixing All components (directives, controllers, services) must be prefixed with an identifier that is relevant to their scope:

  • if shared across all applications use a company prefix: 'wiz' for Grumpy Wizards for example.
  • if exclusive to an application use an application prefix: 'todo' if Grumpy Wizards built a todo list app for example.
  • controllers do not need to be prefixed

###Postfixing The following component types should be postfixed as per the examples below:

  • Controllers: MarkdownCtrl
  • Services: wizMarkdownSvc
  • Filters: wizMarkdownFltr
  • Directives: do not require postfixing wizMarkdown > becomes wiz-markdown in markup

###Capitalisation Controllers are considered classes and as such they should have a leading capital letter: MarkdownCtrl, all other components should start with lower case e.g. wizMarkdown.

###Modules Module namespacing format should following this pattern:



  • wiz.service.addNumbers
  • todo.component.markdown
  • users.feature.about

###Filenames To aid readability in the solution the type of component should be appended to each file name, for example:

  • dashboard.mod.js - the module declaration
  • dashboard.dir.js – a directive
  • dashboard.svc.js – a service or factory
  • dashboard.ctrl.js – a controller
  • dashboard.flt.js – a filter
  • dashboard.tpl.html – the template
  • dashboard.spec.js – the unit tests
  • dashboard.spec.conf.js – unit tests config
  • dashboard.feature – cucumber specificiation for testing

##HTML Templates and Logic See:

An Angular template is the declarative specification that, along with information from the model and controller, becomes the rendered view that a user sees in the browser. It is the static DOM, containing HTML, CSS, and angular-specific elements and angular-specific element attributes. The Angular elements and attributes direct angular to add behaviour and transform the template DOM into the dynamic view DOM.

The AngularJS Team

Don't write HTML in your JavaScript (unless you are building a distributable directive where templateUrl won’t function correctly, or it’s an abstract state, see routing section).

$scope.errorMsg = "<strong>Validation failed</strong>";

Don’t use logic in your HTML templates, for example the following should not be done:

<div class="alert" ng-show="players > 20">Too many players</div>

You should declare a property or method on scope and use that to drive your HTML conditions.

Using a declarative approach to logic provides a more maintainable template. If we used players > 20 on multiple HTML elements it would create additional overhead if we were to update that condition. By encapsulating the logic in a property or method it provides both semantically correct mark-up and re-usability.

##Directives See:

Directives are a way to attach a specified behaviour to a DOM element or even to transform an element and its children.

###Attributes When you are decorating an existing element with new functionality, directives should be applied as attributes.

<div wiz-mouse-over="move()">Can't touch this</div>

The directive in the example above calls the defined behaviour when a mouse moves over an element. It is generic, reusable and does not change the element beyond the bounds of the mouse event.

These directives should be developed in a generic way, with minimal understanding of the element content and can be used across an application.

###Elements When creating self-contained components, you should use the element notation. This allows us to describe functionality in templates by applying directives as a domain specific language.


Each element is responsible for delivering its described functionality and should have ‘replace’ set to true in order to tidy up the html after they are compiled.

The parent template is more descriptive and easier to maintain as you can simply switch functionality on or off by adding or removing the element.

Element directives should be placed alongside their corresponding feature.

##Filters See:

Filters should be organised in accordance to their parent features, unless they are designed to provide commonly accessible functionality.

###Performance of filters Angular continuously conducts “dirty-checking”, in essence it is looking for changes to values over and over again and raising events for $watch and $filter to hook into. If you place a filter on your HTML page like so:

<div ng-bind="item.amount | roundDown"></div>

Don't be surprise if it starts at some point executing A LOT repeatedly. If you place the above code inside a repeater you are essentially increasing the filter execution by a factor of the number of items within the repeater’s array.

If possible, you should apply filters to your data before binding to your view

##Services Services are responsible for the business logic in your application.

UI logic, when to disable a button for example, should not be carried out in a service.

See the ngTemplate project for further info on where to place your business logic.

##Routers See:

###AngularUI Router All routing should be conducted using AngularUI Router. AngularUI Router is an external plugin used to convert your application into a state machine. ngRoute uses the URL to drive navigation. uiRouter reverses your app's relationship with the URL. It uses states to navigate and it drives changes to the URL rather than the URL driving changes to your app.

Please familiarise yourself with the AngularUI Router documentation


AngularJS style guide