stepheneb / stepheneb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Be curious and kind whenever possible.

Imagination & Logic: recent consulting projects.

Resume that's probably way too long. A longer (and older) About page.

Occasionally I write articles at Here are five I think are especially worth sharing.

  1. Learning something new can make all the difference (learning).
  2. Imagining what could be (programming).
  3. A hybrid guitar-dulcimer-mandolin (experimental luthiery).
  4. Making nose strips for people sewing masks (gave away over 29,000 in five months).
  5. Shiitake inoculation parties (learning together).

Elm is a purely functional reactive language that compiles directly to JavaScript. Learning Elm was wonderfuly mind-warping! To dig in a bit deeper I created an implementation of the 2048 game: This really deserves its own article.

Experiments pushing JavaScript performance

Over 200 contributions to open source projects.

Highlights of skills (see resume for a much longer list).

  • Web, desktop, and mobile application development
  • Raspberry Pi and Arduino software and hardware development
  • Sensors, analog and digital design
  • Ruby, JavaScript, Python ...
  • Rails, Electron ...
  • MySQL, Postgesql, Redis ...
  • Automated deployment to AWS and a bit with Heroku, Vercel, Netlify

Stephen's GitHub stats

Stephen's GitHub stats

Note: recent projects using Java and Rails are in private repositories. See Imagination & Logic for descriptions and screenshots. Also there are some very large older Rails codebases that are not showing up here because the repositories appear to have been deleted.


  1. 20220818 speedup measurements update: Chrome: 124x, Safari: 128x, Firefox: 131x
