stephen-w-choo / cs50-web

Completed projects for Harvard's CS50 Web Programming Course

Repository from Github https://github.comstephen-w-choo/cs50-webRepository from Github https://github.comstephen-w-choo/cs50-web


What is this?

These are my submissions for CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript - an introductory web development course with a focus on the backend using the Django framework.

Current Progress

Project 1 - Search

A basic exercise to create a website styling that resembles the Google website. It's a fairly straightforward exercise using HTML/CSS

Project 2 - Wiki

A wiki with the basic functionality to add, remove, and edit pages, that any user can edit. This project introduces the usage of the Django framework - where requests are made to a server to dynamically generate HTML content.

Project 3 - Commerce

An auctions site - imagine a pared down version of Craigslist - where users can post listings for goods and services, as well as bid on goods and services listed by others. This project introduces the usage of databases - here we use the builtin SQLite database, as well as the Django object-relational-mapping which abstracts away some of the raw SQL used to interact with the database.

Project 4 - Mail

An email site implemented as an SPA using vanilla JS. This project introduces the concept of AJAX, where we can use Django to write an API, and display data fetched from the server without needing to reload the entire page.

Project 5 - Social

A basic clone of Twitter, with the ability to create, like and delete posts, and follow other users. This project brings together the concepts used in all the previous projects.


Completed projects for Harvard's CS50 Web Programming Course


Language:Python 66.8%Language:HTML 21.9%Language:JavaScript 8.1%Language:CSS 3.2%