PostgreSQL 13.0 comes from SCL:
To avoid conflicts with nethserver-postgresql, the default instance of PostgreSQL 13.0 uses port 55435.
From localhost:
- the postgres user can access without password
- all other users must use password authentication
Form any other network:
- all users must use password authentication
Example for accessing with postgres user: :
su - postgres
psql --port=55435
Access PostgreSQL 13.0: :
su - postgres -c "scl enable rh-postgresql13 -- psql --port=55435"
Backup and restore is not implemented system-wide: every application should provide its own scripts.
Backup actions must be linked inside the pre-backup-data
event. Example of backup action: :
su - postgres -c "scl enable rh-postgresql13 -- pg_dump --port=55435 myapp > /var/lib/nethserver/myapp/myapp.sql"
Restore actions must be linked inside the post-restore-data
event. Example of restore action: :
if [ -f /var/lib/nethserver/myapp/myapp.sql ]; then
chown postgres:postgres $drop_sql
# drop all existing connections to the db and block new ones
echo "UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = 'false' WHERE datname = 'myapp';" >> $drop_sql
echo "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = 'myapp';" >> $drop_sql
# drop the db, then recreate it
echo "DROP DATABASE myapp;" >> $drop_sql
password=`perl -e "use NethServer::Password; print NethServer::Password::store('myapp');"`
echo "CREATE database myapp; CREATE USER sonicle WITH PASSWORD '$password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE myapp to myuser;" >> $drop_sql
# allow new connections to db
echo "UPDATE pg_database SET datallowconn = 'true' WHERE datname = 'myapp';" >> $drop_sql
su - postgres -c "scl enable rh-postgresql13 -- psql --port=55435 < $drop_sql"
su - postgres -c "scl enable rh-postgresql13 -- psql --port=55435 myapp < /var/lib/nethserver/myapp/myapp.sql"
rm -f $drop_sql