stephcyrille / AfoYacaShop

An hybrid E-commerce application create with Django and ReactJS, Material UI

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comstephcyrille/AfoYacaShopRepository from Github https://github.comstephcyrille/AfoYacaShop



Afro yacadrum is:

  • An ecommerce on ready app to production, with a best UI create with ReactJS and React Material

  • For visitors to provide a fast and high-quality website experience

  • For a good, easy and fluid admin panel for stafs members

  • For Experiments or biginners developers who want to start an ecommerce app without going from strash with well and strong architecture.

We espect that our young CMS will be a tool for each developers who want to gain in time on developement of a software like E-commerce App

Shopping-CMS is written in python 3.5 and is based on the Django web framework (1.11). Shopping-cms adds additional concepts that will help you to build websites and backend systems even faster.

Building websites that deliver a great user experience for visitors and content editors alike - but are also high performant at the same time - is a complex task; To do it continuously on a deadline is really only possible if you have a set of tools that get you there.


For more informations contact us on


An hybrid E-commerce application create with Django and ReactJS, Material UI


Language:CSS 66.3%Language:JavaScript 11.7%Language:Python 11.3%Language:HTML 10.6%Language:SCSS 0.2%