stepelu / lua-time

Time: Dates and Periods in Lua

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Time: Dates and Periods in Lua

A module for the manipulation of dates and periods according to the Gregorian calendar.


  • microsecond (1-millionth of a second) precision
  • leap years are taken into account
  • leap seconds not taken into account
  • convenience utilities (day of week, leap years, end of month)
  • current time (local and UTC)
  • sleep
  • based on Claus Tøndering's calendar algorithms and the corresponding C implementation
local time = require "time"

local d1 =, 4, 30) -- A date at 00:00 AM.

-- Arithmetic operators are supported:
local p1 = time.hours(13) + time.minutes(30) -- A period.
local d2 = d1 + p1 -- The same date above at 1:30 PM.
assert(d2 - d1 == p1)

-- To / from strings, same functionality for periods:
local datestr = "2012-04-30T13:30:00.000000"
local d3 = time.todate(datestr)
assert(d2 == d3)
assert(tostring(d2) == datestr)

-- Comparison operators are supported:
assert(time.minutes(1) == time.seconds(60))
assert(time.minutes(1) >  time.seconds(59))
assert(d2 > d1)

print(time.nowlocal()) -- Now, according to local clock.
print(time.nowutc())   -- Now, according to UTC clock.

time.sleep(time.seconds(1)) -- Sleep for 1 second.


This module is included in the ULua distribution, to install it use:

upkg add time

Alternatively, manually install this module making sure that all dependencies listed in the require section of __meta.lua are installed as well.


Refer to the official documentation.


Time: Dates and Periods in Lua



Language:Lua 100.0%