stenw / IntRo

Introduction to R and the tidyverse for epidemiologists

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IntRo: An introduction to R for epidemiologists

Markdown notebooks illustrating the basics of R and the tidyverse for Epidemiology & related fields.

Where to start: after installing R and RStudio, download these files (Click "Clone or download", "Download ZIP"), unzip, and open intRo1.Rmd.

  1. The basics (User interface, Markdown notebooks, assignment, functions, using datasets)
  2. Data import and visualisation (Packages, data import with csv/xls/dta, basics of ggplot2 for histograms, scatterplots and bar charts)
  3. Data summarisation (%>% and %$% pipes, summarising continuous and categorical variables, subsetting data)
  4. Data manipulation and export (calculate new variables, %<>% pipe, categorise continuous variables, regroup a categorical variable)
  5. Data cleaning: to be uploaded 18/05/2020

The datasets are completely simulated.

Author: Andrea Mazzella


Introduction to R and the tidyverse for epidemiologists