ClickN Challenge for matching algorithm
We have a json file that contain products from different sources The items have the same field structure as follows:
"_id", // id for the item: type ObjectId
"store", // contains store name: type string
"category", // contains category of said item : type string
"brand", // contains item brand: type string
"name", // contains product name: type string
"description", // contains description of the product: type string
"image", // contains a link to the image of the product: type string
"measurement", // contains the measurement of the product: type string
"price", // contains the price of the product: type double
We want a function that would take the id of a product and return a list of the other items in the json file that describe the same product
find_item_list(string item_id):
- Cash prize of $100
- Chance to join our startup team
- Implementation of the solution. (Preferably in Python but not mandatory)
- Documentation on dependencies and how to build your solution (e.g. Makefile, shell scripts, requirements.txt files)
- Include a separate descriptive file as a writeup of how you approached solving the challenge. (Preferably as PDF)
- Submissions are done via branches based on main branch. Use relevant github account names to easily identify the person.
- Challenge will have a deadline of 1 week. (Final submissions date: November 14rd 2022)
- Challenge should make use of parsed_data.json file provided. First make sure to extract the parsed_data.7z to get the json file
- Challenge should meet challenge guidelines and requirements stated above.