stel / AdaptySDK-iOS

Adapty SDK for iOS applications

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Adapty iOS SDK

Version License Platform

Adapty: Win back churned subscribers in your iOS app


  • iOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 10.2+

You can also use Adapty SDK in Objective-C applications.



  1. Create a Podfile if you don't have one: pod init
  2. Add Adapty to your Podfile: pod 'Adapty', '~> 1.2.0'
  3. Save the file and run: pod install. This creates an .xcworkspace file for your app. Use this file for all future development on your application.


Configure your app

In your AppDelegate class:

import Adapty

And add the following to application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:):

Adapty.activate("PUBLIC_SDK_KEY", customerUserId: "YOUR_USER_ID")

If your app doesn't have user IDs, you can use .activate("PUBLIC_SDK_KEY") or pass nil for the customerUserId. Anyway, you can update customerUserId later within .identify() request.

Convert anonymous user to identifiable user

If you don't have an customerUserId on instantiation, you can set it later at any time with the .identify() method. The most common cases are after registration, when a user switches from being an anonymous user (with a undefined customerUserId) to an authenticated user with some ID.

Adapty.identify("YOUR_USER_ID") { (error) in
    if error == nil {
        // successful identify

Observer Mode

In some cases, if you have already built a functioning subscription system, it may not be possible or feasible to use the Adapty SDK to make purchases. However, you can still use the SDK to get access to the data.

Just configure Adapty SDK in Observer Mode – update .activate method:

Adapty.activate("PUBLIC_SDK_KEY", customerUserId: "YOUR_USER_ID", observerMode: true)

Update your user

Later you might want to update your user.

Adapty.updateProfile(email: "",
                     phoneNumber: "+1-###-###-####",
                     facebookUserId: "###############",
                     amplitudeUserId: "###",
                     mixpanelUserId: "###",
                     firstName: "Test",
                     lastName: "Test",
                     gender: "",
                     birthday: Date) { (error) in
                        if error == nil {
                            // successful update                              

All properties are optional.
For gender possible values are: m, f, but you can also pass custom string value.

Attribution tracker integration

To integrate with attribution system, just pass attribution you receive to Adapty method.

Adapty.updateAttribution("<attribution>") { (error) in
    if error == nil {
        // successful update

attribution is Dictionary? object.

Supported keys in attribution are the following:


To integrate with AdjustSDK, just pass attribution you receive from delegate method of Adjust iOS SDK - (void)adjustAttributionChanged:(ADJAttribution *)attribution to Adapty updateAttribution method.

Get purchase containers (paywalls)

Adapty.getPurchaseContainers { (containers, products, error) in
    // if error is empty, containers should contain info about your paywalls, products contains info about all your products

Make purchase

Adapty.makePurchase(product: <product>, offerId: <offerId>) { (purchaserInfo, receipt, appleValidationResult, product, error) in
    if error == nil {
        // successful purchase
    // response is a Dictionary, containing all info about receipt from AppStore

product is ProductModel object, it's required and can't be empty. You can get one from any available container. offerId is String? object, optional. Adapty handles subscription offers signing for you as well.

Restore purchases

Adapty.restorePurchases { (error) in
    if error == nil {
        // successful restore

Validate your receipt

Adapty.validateReceipt("<receiptEncoded>") { (response, error) in
    // response is a Dictionary, containing all info about receipt from AppStore

receiptEncoded is required and can't be empty.

Get user purchases info

Adapty.getPurchaserInfo { (purchaserInfo, error) in
    // purchaserInfo object contains all of the purchase and subscription data available about the user

The purchaserInfo object gives you access to the following information about a user:

Name Description
promotionalOfferEligibility Boolean indicating whether the promotional offer is available for the customer.
introductoryOfferEligibility Boolean indicating whether the introductory offer is available for the customer.
paidAccessLevels Dictionary where the keys are paid access level identifiers configured by developer in Adapty dashboard. Values are PaidAccessLevelsInfoModel objects. Can be null if the customer has no access levels.
subscriptions Dictionary where the keys are vendor product ids. Values are SubscriptionsInfoModel objects. Can be null if the customer has no subscriptions.
nonSubscriptions Dictionary where the keys are vendor product ids. Values are array[] of NonSubscriptionsInfoModel objects. Can be null if the customer has no purchases.

paidAccessLevels stores info about current users access level.

Name Description
id Paid Access Level identifier configured by developer in Adapty dashboard.
isActive Boolean indicating whether the paid access level is active.
vendorProductId Identifier of the product in vendor system (App Store/Google Play etc.) that unlocked this access level.
store The store that unlocked this subscription, can be one of: app_store, play_store & adapty.
activatedAt The ISO 8601 datetime when access level was activated (may be in the future).
renewedAt The ISO 8601 datetime when access level was renewed.
expiresAt The ISO 8601 datetime when access level will expire (may be in the past and may be null for lifetime access).
isLifetime Boolean indicating whether the paid access level is active for lifetime (no expiration date). If set to true you shouldn't use expires_at.
activeIntroductoryOfferType The type of active introductory offer. Possible values are: free_trial, pay_as_you_go & pay_up_front. If the value is not null it means that offer was applied during the current subscription period.
activePromotionalOfferType The type of active promotional offer. Possible values are: free_trial, pay_as_you_go & pay_up_front. If the value is not null it means that offer was applied during the current subscription period.
willRenew Boolean indicating whether auto renewable subscription is set to renew.
isInGracePeriod Boolean indicating whether auto renewable subscription is in grace period.
unsubscribedAt The ISO 8601 datetime when auto renewable subscription was cancelled. Subscription can still be active, it just means that auto renewal turned off. Will set to null if the user reactivates subscription.
billingIssueDetectedAt The ISO 8601 datetime when billing issue was detected (vendor was not able to charge the card). Subscription can still be active. Will set to null if the charge was successful.

subscriptions stores info about vendor subscription.

Name Description
isActive Boolean indicating whether the subscription is active.
vendorProductId Identifier of the product in vendor system (App Store/Google Play etc.).
store Store where the product was purchased. Possible values are: app_store, play_store & adapty.
activatedAt The ISO 8601 datetime when access level was activated (may be in the future).
renewedAt The ISO 8601 datetime when access level was renewed.
expiresAt The ISO 8601 datetime when access level will expire (may be in the past and may be null for lifetime access).
startsAt The ISO 8601 datetime when access level stared.
isLifetime Boolean indicating whether the subscription is active for lifetime (no expiration date). If set to true you shouldn't use expires_at.
activeIntroductoryOfferType The type of active introductory offer. Possible values are: free_trial, pay_as_you_go & pay_up_front. If the value is not null it means that offer was applied during the current subscription period.
activePromotionalOfferType The type of active promotional offer. Possible values are: free_trial, pay_as_you_go & pay_up_front. If the value is not null it means that offer was applied during the current subscription period.
willRenew Boolean indicating whether auto renewable subscription is set to renew.
isInGracePeriod Boolean indicating whether auto renewable subscription is in grace period.
unsubscribedAt The ISO 8601 datetime when auto renewable subscription was cancelled. Subscription can still be active, it just means that auto renewal turned off. Will set to null if the user reactivates subscription.
billingIssueDetectedAt The ISO 8601 datetime when billing issue was detected (vendor was not able to charge the card). Subscription can still be active. Will set to null if the charge was successful.
isSandbox Boolean indicating whether the product was purchased in sandbox or production environment.
vendorTransactionId Transaction id in vendor system.
vendorOriginalTransactionId Original transaction id in vendor system. For auto renewable subscription this will be id of the first transaction in the subscription.

nonSubscriptions stores info about purchases that are not subscriptions.

Name Description
purchaseId Identifier of the purchase in Adapty. You can use it to unsure that you've already processed this purchase (for example tracking one time products).
vendorProductId Identifier of the product in vendor system (App Store/Google Play etc.).
store Store where the product was purchased. Possible values are: app_store, play_store & adapty.
purchasedAt The ISO 8601 datetime when the product was purchased.
isOneTime Boolean indicating whether the product should only be processed once. If true, the purchase will be returned by Adapty API one time only.
isSandbox Boolean indicating whether the product was purchased in sandbox or production environment.
vendorTransactionId Transaction id in vendor system.
vendorOriginalTransactionId Original transaction id in vendor system. For auto renewable subscription this will be id of the first transaction in the subscription.

Checking if a user is subscribed

The subscription status for a user can easily be determined from paidAccessLevels property of purchaserInfo object by isActive property inside.

Adapty.getPurchaserInfo { (purchaserInfo, error) in
    if purchaserInfo?.paidAccessLevels["level_configured_in_dashboard"]?.isActive == true {

Listening For Purchaser Info Updates

You can respond to any changes in purchaser info by conforming to an optional delegate method, didReceivePurchaserInfo. This will fire whenever we receive a change in purchaser info.

extension AppDelegate: AdaptyDelegate {
    func didReceiveUpdatedPurchaserInfo(_ purchaserInfo: PurchaserInfoModel) {
        // handle any changes to purchaserInfo

Method swizzling in Adapty

The Adapty SDK performs method swizzling for receiving your APNs token. Developers who prefer not to use swizzling can disable it by adding the flag AdaptyAppDelegateProxyEnabled in the app’s Info.plist file and setting it to NO (boolean value).

If you have disabled method swizzling, you'll need to explicitly send your APNs to Adapty. Override the methods didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken to retrieve the APNs token, and then set Adapty's apnsToken property:

func application(application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: NSData) {
    Adapty.apnsToken = deviceToken

Logout user

Makes your user anonymous.

Adapty.logout { (error) in
    if error == nil {
        // successful logout


Adapty is available under the GNU license. See LICENSE for details.


Adapty SDK for iOS applications

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Swift 99.0%Language:Ruby 1.0%