steinhorstbr / accel-web-manager

Accel-PPP Web Manager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • View Sessions (using 'accel-cmd show sessions')
  • View Accel-PPP statistics (using 'accel-cmd show stat')
  • Real-Time Traffic Graphs (using 'accel-cmd show sessions')
  • Drop session (soft and hard)
  • Find sessions (sort, per-column filters, multiple filters)
  • Find duplicate session (by User-Name, IPv4, Calling-Sid, Called-Sid)
  • View PPPoE interface statistics (using 'accel-cmd pppoe interface show')
  • Multiple BRAS (one view for multiple BRAS)
  • Customizable session viewer (column settings, default filter logic)
  • Exception handling (System continues to work (show what it can) and notifies user if some BRAS are down)
  • Simple role system (Possible to disable some features, e.g. disable session dropping)
  • No using stats or tracking


Link to the demo

Demo Limitations

  • This demo uses static files so session uptime and other values will not be updated
  • Session deletion does not work in the demo due to github pages do not support DELETE http method, but you can check how it should work (use context menu on session)
  • Real-time traffic graphs use random data (including uptime value). It does not send requests to backend (generated in user browser), but it is enough to evaluate this feature (use context menu on session). Data generator produces realistic values

Purposes / Use Cases

  • Provide simple web interface for technical support staff (Internet/VPN service providers)
  • Find session by IP, User-Name, Mac address in case of desynchronization with RADIUS or RADIUS server is not used


In general, installation is easy and has minimal dependencies. All dependecies can be installed from Debian standard repositories. No need to install anything from third-party sources


  • Python >= 3.7 for backend
  • Debian Linux (>= 10) or Ubuntu Linux (>= 20.04). It easy to adapt for another distros

Installation guide (using .deb package)

You can install accel-web-manager directly on BRAS or any other server.

Download package and install

$ wget
$ sudo apt install ./accel-web-manager_0.4.0-1_all.deb

Check backend running status

$ sudo systemctl status accel-web-manager

Enable nginx configuration

$ sudo ln -s ../sites-available/accel-web-manager /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

Optional step: setup SSL in the nginx configuration file. Please use nginx docs or a guide provided by your SSL provider

Highly recommended step: change admin password in /var/lib/accel-web-manager/nginx/users.htpasswd

$ sudo htpasswd /var/lib/accel-web-manager/nginx/users.htpasswd admin

Reload nginx

$ sudo systemctl reload nginx

Now follow http://YOUR_SERVER_IP_OR_HOSTNAME:8018/ (default creds: admin/accel if you have not change the password)

Upgrade guide (using .deb package)

  1. Download and install the new version using the command sudo dpkg --force-confask -i accel-web-manager_0.4.0-1_all.deb
  2. Check the diff between old and new settings files that dpkg asked about. If you answered Y, then an old file has '.dpkg-old' suffix. If you answered N, then a new file has '.dpkg-dist' suffix. You do not need to change '.dpkg-old' or '.dpkg-dist' files. Change only .py settings files
  3. Restart the backend (sudo systemctl restart accel-web-manager) if you changed config files on step 2
  4. Refresh Web-UI in your browser (ctrl/cmd+shift+r in chrome)

Installation guide (using tarball)

You can install accel-web-manager directly on BRAS or any other server.

Install dependencies.

$ sudo apt install python3-packaging python3-flask python3-flask-compress python3-flask-cors python3-gunicorn gunicorn3 nginx apache2-utils 

Download tarball and extract

$ wget
$ sudo tar -xf accel-web-manager-v0.4.0.txz -C /var/lib/

Create systemd service for backend and run

$ sudo ln -s /var/lib/accel-web-manager/systemd/accel-web-manager.service /etc/systemd/system/
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable accel-web-manager
$ sudo systemctl start accel-web-manager

Check backend running status

$ sudo systemctl status accel-web-manager

Create nginx configuration

$ sudo ln -s /var/lib/accel-web-manager/nginx/accel-web-manager /etc/nginx/sites-available/
$ sudo ln -s ../sites-available/accel-web-manager /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

Optional step: setup SSL in the nginx configuration file. Please use nginx docs or a guide provided by your SSL provider

Highly recommended step: change admin password in /var/lib/accel-web-manager/nginx/users.htpasswd

$ sudo htpasswd /var/lib/accel-web-manager/nginx/users.htpasswd admin

Reload nginx

$ sudo systemctl reload nginx

Now follow http://YOUR_SERVER_IP_OR_HOSTNAME:8018/ (default creds: admin/accel if you have not change the password)

Upgrade guide (using tarball)

  1. Backup /var/lib/accel-web-manager/backend/*, /var/lib/accel-web-manager/nginx/*
  2. Install the new version using installation guide
  3. Check the diff between old and new settings files. Modify new * files according to backed up files. Most probably, you only need to return your old
  4. Restart the backend: sudo systemctl restart accel-web-manager
  5. Refresh Web-UI in your browser (ctrl/cmd+shift+r in chrome)


Be careful with spaces when editing .py configuration files

It is required to restart the backend after changing any .py configuration file

$ sudo systemctl restart accel-web-manager


Edit /var/lib/accel-web-manager/backend/ to change BRAS list


Edit /var/lib/accel-web-manager/backend/ to disable features. Change True to False if you want to disable a feature

Session columns customization

Edit /var/lib/accel-web-manager/backend/ to change session columns order and other attributes

Find duplicate sessions

Edit /var/lib/accel-web-manager/backend/ to change keys and settings for finding duplicates

Other visual settings

Edit /var/lib/accel-web-manager/backend/ to change other visual settings


Please use English for all requests

Accel-web-manager is an open source project, and contributions of any kind are welcome and appreciated. Open issues, bugs, and feature requests are all listed on the issues tab and labeled accordingly. Feel free to open bug tickets and make feature requests.

View to learn about the style guide, folder structure, scripts, and how to contribute.


git clone

Please use your own fork for development

Backend development

Just edit .py files in backend dir

Start backend in dev mode

cd backend flask run --host

Use --host if you want to access the backend from another host

By default, flask will start the backend on port 5000

Frontend development

Frontend development requirements

For frontend development, nodejs and npm are required. Please install nodejs >= 18 and npm >= 8. For Linux distros you can use nodesource binary repo. For MacOS use homebrew

Frontend development guide

Open cloned accel-web-manager dir in your favorite IDE, open terminal, then

$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm start

npm install will download and install required dependencies

By default, all API request will be sent to http://localhost:5000/. Please redefine it if required

# in frontend dir
$ echo "REACT_APP_FORCE_BASE_URL=http://YOUR_BACKEND_HOST:PORT/" > .env.development.local

Then stop the application id your IDE and start again using npm start

Build frontend for production

# in frontend dir
$ npm run build

Build release tarball

It is required to fulfill the requirements for frontend development to build a release.

# in root dir

Do not run from 'release-scripts' dir


  • Sergey V. Lobanov


This project is open source and available under the GPLv3 License.


Accel-PPP Web Manager

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 46.3%Language:Python 45.8%Language:Shell 5.6%Language:CSS 1.8%Language:HTML 0.4%Language:Less 0.1%