stefanprodan / dockprom

Docker hosts and containers monitoring with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, NodeExporter and AlertManager

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How to add new dashboard?

LukeAI opened this issue · comments

thanks for this great setup!

I have added the nvidia gpu metrics exporter (happy to share steps/code if interested!)

If I add the nvidia gpu metrics visualiser via the grafana webGUI by going: Import -> Upload JSON (selecting the prometheus datasource) then it works as expected and I can see all my GPU metrics.

However, if I just drop that same JSON into ./grafana/provisioning/dashboards/ then the dashboard appears under Home but on entering it I get the error:

Template variables could not be initialized: Datasource named ${DS_PROMETHEUS} was not found

so I guess I need to tweak something in the JSON to make it "just work"? or something else?

The dashboard I'm trying to import is here: