stefanmandradzhiyski / poster

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Poster is a simple and user-friendly application built using a microservices architecture in order to achieve better durability and independence between functionalities. It allows its users to create their own profile, share a post, leave a comment under a post, and like it. There are two different searches - post and user searches. Every registered user has got the ability to manage his own profile and check his last-day activity. The main entry point of the system is the member gateway on port 8080.

Framework: Spring Boot

Programming language: Java 17

Additional libraries and tools: Gradle, Docker, Kafka, PostgreSQL, JWT, Jackson, Swagger, Hibernate, Flyway, Lombok, Mapstruct

FUll list of APIs and functionalities:

  • POST api/v1/users - register a new user;
  • POST api/v1/auth/login - log in the platform. It will re-activate the user too and will show his posts to the community;
  • PATCH api/v1/users/password - change user's password;
  • PATCH api/v1/users/{username}/deactivate - deactivate user's profile and all his posts. This will make the user's account invisible to the other people;
  • GET api/v1/users/{username} - get user's account;
  • GET api/v1/users/{username}/profile - shows the full profile of the user that includes a full information plus user's posts;
  • POST api/v1/users/search - search users by username and apply different sort filters and directions;
  • DELETE api/v1/users/{username} - delete user' profile and all posts;
  • POST api/v1/posts - create a new post and increase the user visible and total post counts;
  • PUT api/v1/posts - update a specific post;
  • PATCH api/v1/posts/display - hide a specific post and change the user visible post count;
  • GET api/v1/posts/{postId} - open a specific post and increase the view count;
  • GET api/v1/posts/{postId}/comments - show all the post comment;
  • GET api/v1/posts/{postId}/likes - show all the post likes;
  • POST api/v1/posts/search - search posts by author, title and rating. Apply different sort and direction filters;
  • DELETE api/v1/posts/{postId} - delete a specific post and update the user visible and total post counts;
  • POST api/v1/likes - like a post, increase the post like count and save this action to the history;
  • DELETE api/v1/likes/{likeId} - unlike a specific post, decrease the post like count and save this action to the history;
  • POST api/v1/comments - leave a comment, increase the post comment count and save this action to the history;
  • PUT api/v1/comments - update your own comment;
  • DELETE api/v1/comments/{commentId} - delete your own comment, decrease the post comment count and save this action to the history;
  • GET api/v1/history/{username} - load specific type of history.

Swagger URL: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#

What steps you need to follow if you want to run the application:

  • Download and install Java 17 SDK or higher on your personal computer;
  • Download and install an IDE - IntellijIDEA, Eclipse etc;
  • Download and install Docker;
  • Import the project using Gradle;
  • Open the terminal and go to the directory where you saved the application and execute this command: docker-compose up -d
  • The docker container will run a zookeper on port 2181, a kafka broker on port 9092 and a postgres server with predefined databases on port 5432;
  • Lastly, run all the microservices:
    • member-gateway on port 8080;
    • authenticaion-service on port 8081;
    • history-service on port 8082;
    • post-service on port 8083;
    • user-service on port 8084.



Language:Java 100.0%