stefanbringuier / PlutoToPkg.jl

A simple utility to convert Pluto.jl notebooks to Julia project/package folder.

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A simple utility to convert Pluto.jl notebooks to Julia project/package folder.


There is nothing magical about this package other than I regulary start doing data analysis or prototyping in a Pluto.jl notebook and as the notebook builds-up in funcitonality I sometimes find two scenarios emerge:

  1. I want to use the functions implemented in a notebook as the base for a more standard Julia package.
  2. I want the interact with the functionality implemeted in the notebook without reactivity of the cells.

This requires extracting the Julia package information since the code I implement makes heavy use of other Julia packages. This is easy because which is stored in the Pluto.jl notebook stores this information as Julia strings.

Note You can of course do all this manually by adding the packages and copying the code, but that is very cumbersome!


The primary intent for using this utility is to clone the repo and then via the command line execute:

julia --project=@. src/PlutoToPkg.jl Pluto_Notebook.jl

Eventually I'll try to get a binary executable working so that:

plutotopkg.exe Pluto_Notebook.jl

will work. This will require PackageCompiler.jl which I'm having some trouble with.

usage: PlutoToPkg.jl [--rename RENAME] [-h] filepath

Command-line utility to convert Pluto.jl notebook to Julia project.

positional arguments:
  filepath         File path for the Pluto.jl notebook

optional arguments:
  --rename RENAME  Use specific project folder/file name rather than
                   the Pluto.jl notebook
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit


The command outputs a structure such that:

Notebook-Name-Folder - Project.toml - Manifest.toml - Notebook-Name.jl


The functionality here is straightfoward so a more useful approach would be to add an "export" option to the Pluto.jl frontend banner that would this for you. Since I have no experience with javascript its pretty challenging for me to do so there would need to be buy-in from the Pluto devs to implement. I assume there should be a way with javascript to create a tarball or zip folder of the Notebook, Project.toml, and Manifest.toml files.


A simple utility to convert Pluto.jl notebooks to Julia project/package folder.

License:MIT License


Language:Julia 100.0%