stecb / FloatingTips

A Mootools plugin for creating floating balloon tips that nicely appears when hovering an element.

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A Mootools plugin for creating floating balloon tips that nicely appears when hovering an element. High customizable using options (tooltip position, centering, arrow size, distance, animation, etc).


How to use

JS sample:


// Create a simple tips for all <a> elements
new FloatingTips('a'); // Title attribute will be used as tip.

// A customized tip for all <span class="custom"> elements
new FloatingTips('span.custom', {

	// Content can also be a function of the target element!
	content: function(e) { return 'I am ' + e.getSize().x + ' px wide! :)'; },
	position: 'bottom', // Bottom positioned
	center: false,      // Place the tip aligned with target
	arrowSize: 12,      // A bigger arrow!

HTML code:


<a href="#" title="This is a tooltip">Simple tip</a>
<span class="custom">Custom tip</span>

CSS tip styling:


.floating-tip {
	background-color: black;
	padding: 5px 15px;
	color: #dddddd;
	font-weight: bold;
	font-size: 11px;
	-moz-border-radius: 3px;
	-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
	border-radius: 3px;


Implements: Options, Events



var myTips = new FloatingTips(elements, options);
  • elements: Elements that will trigger floating tips; can an be a string selector or an element collection.

Options (object): Initial options for the class. Options are:

  • position: Tip position, can be "top", "right", "bottom", "left" or "inside" (default "top").
  • center: If the tip will be placed centered on the target element (default TRUE).
  • content: (string or function) If this is a string, the content of the tip will be the value of the target element attribute with that name (example "title", default); if this is a function, the content will be the value returned by the function, that can accept an argument that is the target element (see How to use or Demo).
  • html: If the tooltip content must be interpreted as HTML code (default FALSE); if this is TRUE and content option is a function that returns an HTML element, inner HTML of that returned element is used as tip content.
  • balloon: TRUE if the tip is a balloon with a small triangle pointing the target element (default TRUE).
  • arrowSize: Size in pixel of the small triangle in the balloon (default 6).
  • arrowOffset: Distance in pixel of the small triangle from the edge of the balloon when center option is FALSE (default 6).
  • distance: Distance in pixel of the tip from the target element (default 3).
  • motion: Distance in pixel that the tip will cover during in/out animation (default 6).
  • motionOnShow: If the tip will animate when showing (default TRUE).
  • motionOnHide: If the tip will animate when hiding (default TRUE).
  • showOn: When to show the tip, can be any event of the target element (default "mouseenter").
  • hideOn: When to hide the tip, can be any event of the target element (default "mouseleave").
  • showDelay: The delay the show event is fired (default 0).
  • hideDelay: The delay the hide event is fired (default 0).
  • className: The class name the tip container will get; necessary for styling (default "floating-tip").
  • offset: An object like {x: 0, y: 0} (default), that specify the distance of the tip from its normal position.
  • fx: An object for additional Fx options (default {'duration': 'short'}).


  • show(tip, element): Fires when the tip appears. tip is the tip element, target is the target element.
  • hide(tip, element): Fires when the tip disappears. tip is the tip element, target is the target element.


  • attach(elements): Adds other elements that will trigger floating tips; can an be a string selector or an element collection.
  • show(element): Manually show the tip on target element.
  • hide(element): Manually hide the tip for element.


A Mootools plugin for creating floating balloon tips that nicely appears when hovering an element.