stebix / woodnet

Data processing and classification pipeline for volume computed tomography scans of wood samples.

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Table of Content

How to insert custom data into the pipeline: Data Loading How to configure a training run: Training Run Configuration

Getting Started


To install the project into your local machine, first pull the repository to a location you desire.

cd /desired/location
git pull

We recommend to install the package using some sort of virtual environment. For heavy deep-learning machinery with compiled/C/C++/CUDA components like PyTorch, we recommend using conda or the modern and faster sibling mamba. If you decide to use mamba, supplant the conda command with mamba.

As a first step, create the environment from the provided environment.yaml file in the repository. This will preinstall all necessary dependencies. With the current working directory being the pulle repository, we can execute

conda env create -f environment.yaml

The default name for the newly created environment is woodanalysis. If we want another environment name, we can just modify the first line of the environment file. We than need to activate the environment and may inspect the correct installation of the required packages can be inspected via the list command.

conda activate woodanalysis
conda env list

Of course, modifications to the envirnoment name have to be respected here. Then, we can install a local editable version of the package via pip using the command

pip install --editable .

Then the package is importable as any Python package for sessions started within this environment πŸŽ‰ This installation process also allows you to use the package or parts of it as a (modifiable) library in the context different from the current use cases.


For future releases, we plan to switch to a full PyPI and anaconda package release. But currently, the above clone + install method is the recommended one! Any updates can be retrieved by navigating to the repository and pulling in the changes. Via the editable install, these are then directly available environment-wide.


Here we will learn how to use the core functionality of the woodnet pipeline as a (command line) tool to perform training experiments and make predictions and evaluations with trained models. If we are more interested in using parts of the code as a library, then the documentation [TODO: INSERT LINK] over here might be more appropriate.


Please note however that the intended use for the woodnet framework and pipeline is still in flux and we intend to adapt substantially to own further work and community wishes. So please do not count too much on API stability (yet).

Run Training Experiment

The necessary prerequisites for smoothly running a training experiment is a valid data loading setup (the system must know here to find our training end evaluation data) and a training configuration file (the system must know the precise parameters for the manifold numbers of settings present fro a deep learning experiment). If we set up our training experiment configuration with all necessary components at a location of our choice, we can run the task via the command line invocation

net train /path/to/training-configuration.yaml

Then the training starts and runs according to your settings. Keep the terminal open and check for progress reporting via progress bars.

Run Evaluation Experiment

To thoroughly evaluate an experiment with cross validation, we can use the CLI tooling again. Here, it is necessary the the experiment directory layout is canonical like so:

β”œβ”€β”€ fold-1/
β”‚ |-- logs/
| |-- checkpoints/
β”œβ”€β”€ fold-2/
β”‚ |-- logs/
| |-- checkpoints/
β”œβ”€β”€ fold-N/
β”‚ |-- logs/
| |-- checkpoints/
|--- inference/         # newly created for inference run
β”‚ |-- timestamp-1/
| |-- timestamp-2/

For such a training experiment result, we can run the full evaluation again via CLI via

net evaluate /path/to/experiment-basedir transform-template 

The second argument is the template name (name for builtin, path for template file anywhere on the system) specifying the transformations to use for the robustness evaluation. Then the system will perform predictions and evaluate all models (could be many due to the sampling/saving of model states) of all folds (determined by our CV strategy) with all transformations (set in the transform template) applied to the input data and aggregate the results in an inference directory created on the level of the fold-N directories. For every evaluation run, a new subdirectory with the timestamp of the run is created. We can then process, analyse and visualize the aggregated performance metrics to gain insights over model performance and potential performance degradation for input data transformation.


In this section, we look at the different components of the model and data pipeline. We want to provide insights about possibilities to configure the pacakge. The main entry point for primary usage is the data loading section where instructions about injecting your data (e.g. scanned volumes, scanned planar images or microscopy data) into the system is provided. The following sections are concerned with explaining the configuration files to control training experiments and performing prediction and evaluation tasks.

Data Loading

The central place to inject data into the woodnet system is via the dataconf.yaml configuration file. There you exhaustively specify all data instances as a mapping from an unique identification string (ID) to certain metadata. In the following, this metadata is called the dataset instance fingerprint.

The human-readable YAML file dataconf.yaml is the central tool to tell the woodnet framework from where the data should be loaded.

It consists of three necessary building blocks. The class_to_label_mapping section, where we specify the mapping from human-readable, semantic class names to integer numbers:

  softwood : 0
  hardwood : 1

The second building block is the instance mapping part where we can specify the dataset instances as unique string IDs to use these IDs in other places (e.g. configurations and dataset builders). Another advantage of this central registration of datasets is the possibility to automatically split our datasets into disjoint training and validation sets and transform a training configuration file correspondingly. For further information on cross validation functionality, head over to the small tutorial chapter. The framework needs further information about the dataset instances, thus we need to specify more information for every ID. This leads to the following layout:

instance_mapping :
    location: '/my/fancy/location/awesome-unicorn.zarr'
    classname: hardwood
    group: pristine

In the above example, we specified the dataset instance with the unique ID awesome-unicorn. The fundamental data is expected to be at '/my/fancy/location/awesome-unicorn.zarr'. Note that any unique string ID can be chosen here, even much more mundane like e.g. scan-1 for the first scan of a hypothetical series of scans. Here, we also make first contact with the data format, namely a zarr array. Later, we will take a closer look on the expected data layout, alternatives to zarr arrays and ways in which we can implement additional data storage interfaces. Going back to our awesome-unicorn instance, we indicated via the classname: hardwood attribute that the data belongs to the hardwood class. We usually choose and set up classes specific for our classification task. The last attribute of the fingerprint is the group attribute. Here we have the option to specify furhter information about sub-groups in our data. Subsets of single classes may belong to a subgroup, if some data parameters may be shared. An illustrative example could be: We want to perform binary classification between hardwood and softwood specied and for both classes we have a large number of samples. For both classes, we obtained samples from freshly logged wood that we mark with the group: pristine attribute. We additionally got samples that were exposed to the elements and mark these with the group: withered attribute. We can use the group data instance attribute during the comutation of the cross-validation splits of the specified instances into the training set and the validation set. In addition to the "default" variant of class-stratified k-fold cross-validation we may then employ group-wise k-fold cross-validation. Then we can evaluate whether the model is able/flexible/intelligent enough to generalize across groups.

Training Run Configuration

In this section we take a look at how to use the provided command line interface (CLI) and configuration files (YAML) to perform a training run. We dissect an exemplary training configuration file by taking a closer look at each individual section component.

General Block

This block sets the output directory for the training experiment and the training device. It generally looks like so:

experiment_directory: /path/to/awesome/experiment-dir
device: cuda:1

Training Directory

The training directory (i.e. experiment-dir in the above example) is the central collection location where all permanent artifacts of our training experiment are saved. The permanent artifacts are:

  • Trained model weight checkpoints: this is the primary result of our experiment! A checkpoints subdirectory contains all checkpoints files.

  • Log file: a large number of settings, events and stuff is logged for later inspection in a text log file. This file is located in a logs folder inside the experiment_directory.

  • Configuration file: the configuration file for the training experiment is backed up in this directory as well. This enables the analysis of the experiment later on (very handy!). This file is also located in the logs directory.

  • tensorboard log file: We use this library to visualize and analyse the training experiment on the fly. More on this later. This file is also located in the logs directory.

The directory will be created if it is not present. Due to the unqiueness of all above artifacts to a single training experiments it is highly recommended to choose a new training directory for each individiual training experiment.


The device option lets us choose the device on which we want to perform the training experiment calculation. The common options are cpu for (often infeasibly slow) central processing unit (CPU) training or cuda for accelerated graphic processing unit (GPU) training. For systems that sport multiple GPUs, we can use cuda:$N with $N indicating an appropriate integer that pins the specific GPU in our system on which we desire the training experiment to run on.

Model Block

In the model block, we configure our core deep learning model. In general, we can set all user-facing parameters in the initializer (i.e. __init__ method) of the model class here. Additionally, model ahead-of-time (AOT) and just-in-time (JIT) compilation flags can be set here in the optional compile subconfiguration. For more information on AOT and JIT-functionality via torch.compile please consider the PyTorch docs. A typical model block may look like this:

  name: ResNet3D          # model class and settings go here
  in_channels: 1
  compile:                # optional model compilation settings
    enabled: True         # using this can speed up training and prediction tasks
    dynamic: False
    fullgraph: False

In this example, we selected the ResNet3D from our model zoo and configured it to have a single input channel. Single channel data is typical for monochromatic computed tomography data. For light microscopy data, we may encounter multi channel data due to the separate measurement of red, green and blue intensities (RGB) in a photographic sensor. We also (optionally) set the model compilation flag. In the above example, the model will be compiled at the first iteration at the cost of a small, singular latency increase and the benefit of substantial acceleration during following iterations.


If we want to use custom model implementations, we can inject implementations into the package or modify files. So if another architecture is needed, we can head over to the section on injecting custom models. We also plan to support more models directly in the future πŸš€

Optimizer Block

This block specifies optimizer, i.e. the algorithm with which we compute our gradients to perform the descent step each iteration. Here, you may select from all PyTorch-provided algorithms that live in the torch.optim namespace. Popular choices include Adam and SGD.

  name: Adam
  learning_rate: 1e-3

The most important optimizer hyperparameter, the step size during gradient descent, is the learning_rate. It must always be provided. Any further keyword arguments are passed through to the optimizer instance at initialization time.

Loss Function Block

In this block we can select the loss function. Similar to the optimizer block, we have full access to the Pytorch-supplied loss functions.

  name: BCEWithLogitsLoss
  reduction: mean

Again, the loss function class is selected via the name field that must mathc the desired loss function class of Pytorch. Any further keyword arguments are passed trough to the class initializer function.

Trainer Block

The trainer block can be utilized to set core parameters of the training experiment run. Major settings are explained via comments in the following exemplary trainer configuration:

  # select the trainer class via its string name
  name: Trainer
  # set the log frequency of core model metrics
  log_after_iters: 1000
  # set the frequency for performing a validation run
  validate_after_iters: 2500
  # set the maximum allowed number of epochs and iterations
  max_num_epochs: 500
  max_num_iters: 175000
  # select the validation metric and indicate whether a higher or lower score is better
  # for the current setting 'classification accuracy' (ACC), obviously higher is better
  validation_metric: ACC
  validation_metric_higher_is_better: True
  # configure the top-k-cache of of model weights we want to retain for this training experiment 
    name: Registry
    capacity: 4
    score_preference: higher_is_better
  # advanced training experiment debugging: set parameter/gradient/... 
  # logging and visualization in tensorboard 
    name: HistogramLogger

For a validation run, the training is paused and predictions for all validation data instances will be performed. The result of this run (i.e. the validation metric score) is reported to the log file and sent to the tensorboard inspection tool. Also, the model weights are saved as a checkpoint if the score for a validation run is optimal or in the top-k-optimal range. We can set the maximum number of iterations and epochs as an exit condition for conclusion of the training experiment. Note that the system exits the experiment run as soon as the first of both criterions is fulfilled.

Loaders Block

The loaders block is concerned with configuring the data loading. In the global block, we can configure general settings. The two following subblocks are concerned with settings that are specific to the data loading and processing within the two distinct phases, namely the train (training) phase and the val (validation) phase.

Global Loaders Subblock

We can select the dataset class via the dataset attribute in the global loaders subblock. This is the primary setting for selection of the 2D, 2.5D and 3D formulations of the pipeline. The dataset classes and their accompanying builder classes implement the loading of the raw data from the file system into the main memory and their partitioning inot appropriately shaped elements. For TileDataset, we would receive subvolume chunks formed according to tileshape like $(t_z, t_y, t_x)$. For TriaxialDataset, we would receive concatenated triaxial slices of the form $(3, t_y, t_x)$. For TiledEagerSliceDataset, we would receive planar slices of the form $(t_y, t_x)$.

  # select the dataset class
  dataset: TileDataset
  # set the size of the of the subvolume or slice-tile
  tileshape: [256, 256, 256]
  # batch size setting - tune to VRAM memory availability
  batchsize: 2
  # set multiprocessing worker count for data loaders
  num_workers: 0
  # toggle memory pinning for the data loader
  pin_memory: True


Note that we have to make sure that the data dimensionality (2D, 2.5D, 3D) matches the model dimensionality. Otherwise we may get shape mismatch errors at the beginning of the training experiment.

The num_workers setting allows us to set the worker process count for data loading. It should be a nonnegative integer and the setting 0 symbolozes single-thread data loading (everything happens in the main thread). The performance implications of this setting can be subtantial (both positive and negative) and are interdependent with other aspects/settings (i.e. data processing and augmentation, rad speeds, ...). To get sensible orientation data for optimal settings, we may use the benchmark CLI tool provided by the woodnet package. The pin_memory setting toggles the usage of pinned, i.e. non-paged memory for the Pytorch CPU-based tensors. Using pinned memory can increase data transfer performance in certain scenarios.

Training Loader Subblock

The training loader subblock must be included in the global loaders block. Here we can set the dataset instances that are used for training the model weights by writing the desired instance IDs into the instances_ID list. For training data augmentation, we can also specify one or as many as desired training data transformations as elemtns of a list under the key transform_configurations.

  # select the training data instances via the unqiue identifiers that were set in the
  # data configuration file
  instances_ID: [awesome-unicorn, acer-sample-1, pinus-sample-3]

    - name: Normalize
      mean: 1
      std:  0.5

for the transformations, we can again make use of the simple keyword : value syntax of YAML. Minimally, the name attribute of the transform is required to find the corresponding class in the code. We can use custom transformation classes that are implemented inside the namespace/module woodnet.transformations.transforms. If we want to randomize the choice of transformations we can employ the container classes located in woodnet.transformations.container. An additional set of diverse transformations is provided via the MONAI third party package. These transforms are also automatically recognized via the name attribute (must exactly match the class name). The configuration is again performed via keyword passthrough.

Validation Loader Subblock

The validation loader section is in principle very similar to the training loaders subblock. An exemplary instance is given below

  instances_ID: [jean-luc-picard, acer-sample-2, pinus-sample-1701]

    - name: Normalize
      mean: 1.1
      std:  0.52

Usually, the transformations applied to the validation data elements differ from the training data transformations. Firstly, we have to compute features like mean and standard deviation differently for every subset to avoid premature feature engineering. Secondly, the generation of synthetic data via augmentation is a beneficial procedure applied in the training phase. However, in the validation phase usually unaugmented data is utilized.

Cross Validation Tooling

Cross validation (CV) is a crucial technique for improving the reliability of our deep learning models, especially when we are working with limited data. In the small data regime, the hazard of our models to overfit or to succumb to selection bias, meaning they perform well on training data but poorly on unseen data, is relatively larger. Instead of training on just one split of the data, we divide our dataset into multiple "folds" and train the model multiple times, each time using a different fold as the validation set. This ensures that the model performance is assessed on a variety of data splits, reducing the risk of overfitting and over-optimistically evaluating the performance of our model.


The CV experiment basically reduces to performing quite similar training experiments with different unique dataset element IDs in the training and validation section, i.e. ceteris paribus. Thus, other (hyper-) parameters should be kept the same.

The woodnet machinery provides some convenience tools to quickly perform cross validation for our training experiments to mitigate tedious manual editing and potential errors. The training-validation split can be performed with on of two currently supported splitting techniques:

  • Stratified k-fold cross-validation is a variation of k-fold cross-validation that ensures each fold preserves the proportion of classes in the original dataset. In standard k-fold, the data is randomly split into k subsets, or folds, which can result in an uneven distribution of class labels in each fold, particularly in imbalanced datasets. Stratified k-fold addresses this by ensuring that each fold has a representative balance of classes, similar to the overall dataset.

  • Stratified group k-fold cross-validation is an extension of stratified k-fold designed for scenarios where data is grouped into clusters or subsets. It combines stratification, ensuring that each fold maintains the class distribution, with group partitioning, ensuring that all data from a particular group appears in only one fold.

For a detailed and graphical explanation of both approaches, we can also consult the excellent scikit-learn user guide, which this implementation is also based on.

Custom Models

If we want to utilize models not currently implemented in the package, we can inject the custom model implementations via two approaches. The first approach is to directly modify the two core model files, e.g. woodnet.models.planar or woodnet.models.volumetric such that they contain our new model implementation. This allows direct instantiation via the YAML-configuration file workflow. A drawback would be, that git merge conflicts might arise when pulling new updates from the remote repository. Also, poorer code structuring due to mixing of origins/concerns would be in effect. The second option works by copying your implementation file into the woodnet.models submodule of the full package. In practice, we can just put our custom model implementation inside a separate Python module (i.e. a .py file).


The file should use an appropriate name with the indication prefix customcontrib_$, where the prefix with the trailing underscore customcontrib_ must be used exactly. Then, we can copy this module to the woodnet.models submodule and use the custom model via the YAML configuration file workflow. The custom model implementation modules are then collected via a filename matching scheme and are available for the name-based instantiation logic. Note that when we create models from the configuration, the first model class with a matching name is used. If we implement custom models with the same name as already implemented model, name shadowing may lead to errors. Thusly pick an unique model class name.

Further Usage Ideas

The presented pipeline implementation could serve in different to the wood science community. Firstly, the implementation could be adopted as a purpose-built template to inject custom CT data of wood samples to gauge classification performance for this specific dataset. Furthermore, adoption to light microscopic datasets is easily conceivable since a fully planar 2D formulation is included in the package. Also, usage with multiplanar microscopic images is possible. For this, the triaxial formulation with a preset ordering for the typical wood anatomic cross sections may be appropriate.

Bugs, Questions, Requests and Contributions

If you find bugs or have general questions please do not hesitate to open an issue. We will gladly try to answer and improve the pipeline. Also, we would be happy to include feature requests or use cases if they are within the general scope of our pipeline. For this, also head over to the repository issues tab and open with label enhancement! 🧰


Author Jannik Stebani. Released under the MIT license. Accompanying manuscript: TODO:INSERT


Data processing and classification pipeline for volume computed tomography scans of wood samples.


Language:Python 100.0%