stcalica / bigcommerce-api-specs

OpenAPI Specifications, Swagger, and JSON schema used to generate the human-readable BigCommerce API Reference.

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BigCommerce API Specifications

OpenAPI Specifications (OAS) and JSON schema used to generate the human-readable BigCommerce API Reference.

OAS updates

As of August 22, 2022, all API specification files are in OAS 3+ format. Please update your forks to ensure you're working with the newest source files.

Caveat: The file that contains webhook events callback schemas, webhooks_events.yml, is still in Swagger 2.0 format.

Directory structure

├── .circleci                          # config for circleci job that runs openapi linter
    └── config.yml                     # - docs:
├── docs                               # markdown files
├── models                             # yaml schema for various objects
    ├── ...
    └──                 # script to easily convert json data to yaml schema
├── reference                          # openapi specification files
├── .gitignore                         # gitignore
├── .spectral.yaml                     # config for stoplight spectral openapi linter
├── .stoplight.json                    # Stoplight Platform edit view configuration file
├──                    # guidelines for contribution
├── # template for codeowner dev merges
├──           # template for most pull requests
└── toc.json                           # Stoplight Platform table of contents configuration file 


If you're interested in contributing, see


OpenAPI Specifications, Swagger, and JSON schema used to generate the human-readable BigCommerce API Reference.


Language:HTML 99.8%Language:Python 0.2%