stavro / viterbi

Accompanying code for a USC presentation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tweet Tracker

This repository accompanies a presentation made for USC Course 31934, Spring 2016: Web Application Project.

Goal: Examine a traditional three tier web application compared to a stateful web service.

Contained within this repository are two API servers capable of tracking and persisting occurrences of hashtags, and responding with a global statistics counter.

  • Three-Tier: A traditional stateless web app delegating all stateful behavior to the database.
  • Stateful: A stateful web app leveraging in-process data locality to respond immediately to requests.

Both servers have two routes exposed:

  • GET /: Retrieves statistics on all tracked hashtags
  • POST /track?hashtag=<name>: Tracks a usage event of a particular hashtag.

Both servers are backed by a Postgres instance.


  • Clone repository, create the database, and ensure both servers can start.
  • Benchmark both servers for reading and writing.
  • (extra credit) - Generate 100k+ rows and repeat the benchmark.
  • Share and discuss results.


Both apps use the same database. Once you have Postgres installed, create a database called tweets:

  1. createdb tweets
  2. psql -d tweets
  3. create table tweets (id serial primary key, hashtag text not null, created_at timestamp not null);

Starting your web server

  1. cd three_tier (or cd stateful)
  2. bundle install
  3. bundle exec ruby app.rb
  4. verify the app loads by going to http://localhost:4567/ on your browser


Once you have a web server running, time to benchmark!

Install wrk: brew install wrk

# GET '/'
wrk -d10s --timeout 2000 http://localhost:4567/

# POST '/track?hashtag=<insert hashtag>'
wrk -d10s --timeout 2000 -s track.lua http://localhost:4567/

(Extra Credit) Generating Extra Rows

insert into tweets (hashtag, created_at) select 'hashtag_' || (s.i / 100)::text, now() as created_at from generate_series(1,100000) as s(i);


Accompanying code for a USC presentation


Language:Ruby 87.2%Language:Lua 12.8%