Check out the documentation on
You will have to host and run memorybot yourself. There is no "Add to Slack" button because hosting bots costs money. Also, memorybot needs to listen to all of the chat messages on rooms you invite it to, so you probably don't want to send your Slack team's chat messages to some random server that you don't trust.
- Go to
- Give it a nice name, like
- Maybe give it an icon. Check out the free Robots Expression icons by Graphiqa Stock.
- Save the API token for later. It should begin with
$ mkdir /path/to/data
$ docker run --name memorybot -v /path/to/data:/data -e SLACK_TOKEN=xoxb-xxxxx statico/memorybot
$ mkdir data
$ npm install
$ echo "SLACK_TOKEN=xob-xxxxx" >>.env
$ echo "DATA_DIR=data" >>.env
$ npm run -s start
Please file a GitHub issue or create a Pull Request.
- infobot is a project by kevin lenzo
- Fun android icon by Graphiqa Stock