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Postdoctoral research scientist in statistical genetics and complex trait epidemiology

Dr. Suzanne Leal's group in the Center for Statistical Genetics at Columbia University Department of Neurology is looking for a qualified candidate for Postdoctoral research scientist positions. The candidate is expected to work on one or more of the following concentrations:

  1. Developing statistical methods to analyze complex traits, e.g. approaches to detect pleiotropy and interactions using sequence, imputed, family and population-based data.
  2. Developing statistical and computational methods for family and population based genetic association studies.
  3. Analyzing complex traits e.g. late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, age-related hearing impairment, tinnitus, lipids, asthma, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. It includes but not limited to data annotation, quality control, and analysis of sequence, microarray, imputed genotype data, and copy number variations.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. or related degree in computational biology, biostatistics/statistics/data science, bioinformatics, epidemiology, computer science, or other computational related fields. Must have excellent working knowledge in one or more programming languages e.g. R, Python or C/C++. Previous experience analyzing large scale genomic data is highly desirable.

Please email your curriculum vitae, research statement and the names and contact information for four references to Dr. Gao Wang (wang.gao [at] and Dr. Suzanne Leal (sml3 [at] with the header ‘’Complex traits postdoc research application.’’. Informal inquires are welcome.
