startup-dreamer / Arcave-Contracts

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Step into an expansive open-world gaming metaverse on L2, boasting low latency and scalable in-game communication with live audio and video.
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Table of Contents


Arcave introduces the Arverse, a user-friendly metaverse addressing various challenges.

  • Low-Poly Multiplayer Space: Within Arverse, users find an open, low-poly space designed for relaxation and social interactions among Arborgs.

  • Arzone FPS: The platform features Arzone, an aggressive multiplayer FPS game, offering an immersive and competitive gaming experience.

  • Open Theatre: Arverse provides an Open Theatre where users can collectively view and share important moments, fostering a sense of community.

  • Live Video and Audio Calls: Arverse integrates live video and audio calls for immersive user interactions within its open world.

  • Upcoming Leaderboard: Anticipating the introduction of a leaderboard, which will recognize and honor top players, fostering competitiveness and engagement within the platform.

Technolgies Used:


Store Protocol:

  • Purpose: Establishes content topics for individual game rooms.
  • Function: Facilitates the addition of kill data to the respective content topics.
  • Result: Global leaderboard is generated based on the aggregated data from content topics.
Filter Protocol:
  • Purpose: Enables light nodes to selectively subscribe to messages within specific content topics.
  • Function: Provides a mechanism for peers to filter and receive only relevant messages.
  • Implementation: Allows for more efficient data retrieval and processing.

Light Push:

  • Purpose: Allows a client to receive acknowledgements upon sending content topics.
  • Function: Ensures that clients are informed of the successful transmission of their content topics.
  • Significance: Enhances reliability and confirms successful data delivery.

Huddle Alpha SDK:

  • Purpose: Facilitate real-time audio and video communication within designated rooms identified by unique room IDs to achieve seamless in-game audio-video interactions.
  • Structure: Token id generation to authenticate and authorize users room id assignment for organizing communication channels for real-time audio and video handling modules.
  • Implementation: Real-time audio and video communication within designated rooms through token authentication and dynamic room ID management for in-game interactions.


  • Purpose: Use of Layer 2 blockchain (mantle) for low lantency while interacting with arcave deployed conracts.
  • Implementation: Contracts are made with solidity and in hardhat framework contract repo-link


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Built With

Mantle's Spec


  • CoreController (Mantle tesetnet deployment link) 0xD76996e5EA0029BB503917828A159A87214f41FE


  • Avatar (Mantle tesetnet deployment link) 0x83811800623e906Fb0a3fe8cB50289A453496321


  • Arcave-Token (Mantle tesetnet deployment link) 0x9aD28214A1e4b9df7bC390C8CB77c3797bE74279

Other Spec

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Demo Screenshots

Home Page


Open World


Shooting Game


Shooting Game



Key Action
Space Jump
Shift Sprint
W Forward
S Backward
A Move Sideward
D Move Sideward


  • Open Arverse
  • FPS Arzone
  • Video conferncing
  • Audio confrencing
  • Public chat
  • Screen sharing
  • Video sharing
  • Binge watching
  • Contract bots
  • Leaderboard
  • Dedicated server deployments
  • Cross chain communication
  • Build shift to unity
  • NFT marketplace integration
  • Land customization
  • Land Marketplace

Challenges we ran into

  • Crafting a feature-rich 3D multiplayer game within a tight timeline presented hurdles, especially integrating FPS matches, video conferencing, and continuous binge-watching.

  • Challenges emerged within Mantle while attempting to mint test tokens on the chain, disrupting an otherwise smooth process.

  • Waku faced issues with nodes, encountering errors like remote peer failure and connection issues, demanding focused troubleshooting.

  • Huddle's documentation inconsistencies caused delays, requiring additional time to address despite an otherwise smooth progression.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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Team Contact

  • @Krieger
  • @0x_Clint

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Thanks to all the sponsors and organizers for making ETH India 2023 possible. Mentors have been helping us, giving reviews with various aspects of the project and we are grateful to them for that.

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License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Solidity 60.4%Language:JavaScript 20.5%Language:TypeScript 14.3%Language:Ruby 4.6%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:Makefile 0.0%Language:Python 0.0%Language:Nix 0.0%