startakovsky / opossum

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Package for simulation of data generating process to evaluate causal inference models.

Getting Started

Latest release version: 0.2.1

Download with pip

*nix OS

pip3 install opossum


pip install opossum --user --upgrade

Build it yourself

git clone
cd opossum
git checkout master
cd opossum





SHA-256: opossum-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl


SHA-256: opossum-0.2.0.tar.gz



Bellow you can find a short description of the core functions that the package offers in code form. For more detailed information on how to apply the package and to get insight into the theoretical model that it is based on, please refer to the following blog post

Default Setting

from opossum import UserInterface
# number of observations N and number of covariates k
N = 10000
k = 50
# initilizing class
u = UserInterface(N, k, seed=None, categorical_covariates = None)
# assign treatment and generate treatment effect inside of class object
u.generate_treatment(random_assignment = True, 
                     assignment_prob = 0.5, 
                     constant_pos = True, 
                     constant_neg = False,
                     heterogeneous_pos = False, 
                     heterogeneous_neg = False, 
                     no_treatment = False, 
                     discrete_heterogeneous = False,
                     treatment_option_weights = None, 
                     intensity = 5)
# generate output variable y and return all 4 variables
y, X, assignment, treatment = u.output_data(binary=False, x_y_relation = 'partial_nonlinear_simple')

Choosing covariates

N = 1000
k = 20
# whole dataset is binary
u = UserInterface(N, k, categorical_covariates = 2)
# one quarter of the dataset is binary
u = UserInterface(N, k, categorical_covariates = [5,2])
# dataset consists of 10 continuous, 4 binary, and 3 variables each with 3 and 5 categories respectively 
u = UserInterface(N, k, categorical_covariates = [10,[2,3,5])

Creating treatment effects

# random treatment assignment resulting in on average 20% treated observations 
u.generate_treatment(random_assignment = True, assignment_prob = 0.2)
# non-random treatment assignment with on average 65% treated observations
u.generate_treatment(random_assignment = False, assignment_prob = 'high')
# generating only a positive heterogeneous treatment effect
u.generate_treatment(constant_pos = False, constant_neg = False, heterogeneous_pos = True, heterogeneous_neg = False, 
                     no_treatment = False, discrete_heterogeneous = False)
# generating a heterogeneous treatment effect that is in 20% of cases negative and 80% positive
u.generate_treatment(treatment_option_weights = [0, 0, 0.8, 0.2, 0, 0]) 

Creating output

# Creating continuous y with partial nonlinear relation 
y, X, assignment, treatment = u.output_data(binary=False, x_y_relation = 'partial_nonlinear_simple')
# Creating binary y with underlying linear relation and added interaction terms of X
y, X, assignment, treatment = u.output_data(binary=True, x_y_relation = 'linear_interaction')


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%