A wrapper script for project configuration-jar that allows to creates the shared schema strategy for multi-tenant approach. For the passed path to the configuration file, the wrapper creates two SQL scripts. One contains DDL statements that create a shared schema strategy, and the other one drops it. Important, wrapper required installed java in version 8 or newer. Please check module configuration-yaml-interpreter to find out how to prepare a configuration file. You can also use option '--printYamlSchemaGuide' to print use guide for Yaml schema.
- Download or clone repository
- Add bin directory to PATH
posmulten-ddl.sh {Options} {Path to configuration file}
1 - Path to configuration file
-h, --help Prints the usage information
--createScriptPath Sets path for a script that contains DDL statements that create a shared schema strategy. By default, a file with the name create_script.sql is being created in the current directory.
--dropScripPath Sets path for a script that contains DDL statements that drop a shared schema strategy. By default, a file with the name drop_script.sql is being created in the current directory.
--jarVersion Sets version of jar file that should be used to generate ddl statements.
To check what version is available please check https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.github.starnowski.posmulten.configuration/configuration-jar site.
--printYamlSchemaGuide Prints Yaml schema guide. This option is available for library since version 0.5.0
--verbose Sets a higher logging level. Useful for debugging purposes.
posmulten-ddl.sh ../examples/all-fields.yaml
# Passing parameters with paths where result script should be created
posmulten-ddl.sh --createScriptPath "../examples/cscript.sql" --dropScripPath "../examples/dscript.sql" ../examples/all-fields.yaml
# Setting version of jar file which should be used
posmulten-ddl.sh --jarVersion "0.3.0" ../examples/all-fields-0.3.0-valid.yaml