star-collector / generator-koa-humble

Humble koa generator for Yeoman. Koa v2 + (Moongose/Sequelize) + Angular v2 + Typescript + Less/Sass/Stylus + Pug (Jade)

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alt tag

Humble koa generator for yeoman. Koa v2 + (Moongose/Sequelize) + Angular v2 + Typescript + Less/Sass/Stylus + Pug (Jade)


	$ npm install -g generator-koa-humble


	$ yo koa-humble

Npm commands list

	$ npm start # Launches the app.
	$ npm test # Launches tests.
	$ npm run-script tslint # Starts code check with tslint.
	$ npm run start:dev # Launches the app in dev mode (along with dev app build using koa-webpack).
	$ npm run start:prod # Same as npm start.
	$ npm run build:prod # Initiates project's rebuild and prepares it for production.


Generated project has the following structure:

	├── ./controllers # Stores your controllers
	│   └── ./controllers/views.js
	├── ./dev # Development folder. Stores Angular2 project with your presets.
	│   ├── ./dev/app
	│   │   ├── ./dev/app/app.component.jade
	│   │   ├── ./dev/app/app.component.less
	│   │   ├── ./dev/app/app.component.ts
	│   │   ├── ./dev/app/app.module.ts
	│   │   ├── ./dev/app/app.routing.ts
	│   │   └── ./dev/app/home
	│   │       ├── ./dev/app/home/home.component.jade
	│   │       ├── ./dev/app/home/home.component.ts
	│   │       └── ./dev/app/home/icon.png
	│   ├── ./dev/index.jade
	│   ├── ./dev/main.ts
	│   ├── ./dev/polyfills.ts
	│   └── ./dev/vendor.ts
	├── ./public # Public folder. Users have access to it. Webpack sends processed files here.
	│   ├── ./public/app.[hash].css
	│   ├── ./public/app.[hash]
	│   ├── ./public/app.[hash].js
	│   ├── ./public/app.[hash]
	│   ├── ./public/img
	│   │   └── ./public/img/icon.png
	│   ├── ./public/polyfills.[hash].js
	│   ├── ./public/polyfills.[hash]
	│   ├── ./public/vendor.[hash].js
	│   └── ./public/vendor.[hash]
	├── ./test # Mocha's tests folder.
	│   └── ./test/routes.js
	├── ./views # Webpack sends processed jade files here.
	│   └── ./views/index.html
	├── ./app.js
	├── ./package.json
	├── ./tsconfig.json
	├── ./tslint.json
	└── ./webpack.config.js


Humble koa generator for Yeoman. Koa v2 + (Moongose/Sequelize) + Angular v2 + Typescript + Less/Sass/Stylus + Pug (Jade)


Language:JavaScript 75.6%Language:TypeScript 15.9%Language:HTML 7.2%Language:CSS 1.3%