stapelberg / pretix-oidc

OIDC plugin for pretix

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pretix OIDC

This is a plugin for pretix.

OIDC authentication plugin for pretix


Activate the virtual environment for your pretix installation and run

pip install git+

To activate the OIDC authentication mechanism add pretix_oidc.auth.OIDCAuthBackend to the list of pretix.auth_backends in your pretix.cfg. Add the OIDC configuration to that same file in a new oidc section, values without a default are mandatory:

# label on the login button,
# default: Login with OpenID connect
# OIDC URIs, can generally be found unter .well-known/openid-configuration
# of your OIDC endpoint
# OIDC client ID and secret
# comma-separated list of scopes to request
# default: openid
# recommended: openid,email,profile
# what OIDC claim pretix should use to uniquely identify OIDC users
# default: sub

The callback URI on your pretix will be /oidc/callback/, enter this at the appropriate place in your OIDC provider.

Please note that all users with the permission to change organizer settings will have access to the team assignment rules. Those rules can add users to a specific team based on an arbitrary OIDC claim when the users log in, this means that users with the permission to change organizer settings might be able to enumerate users with a certain OIDC claim when the users log in and can lead to a data leak.


Users belonging to a team with the permission to change organizer settings can add team assignment rules on the organizer page > team assignment rules. Users can be added to a specific team of that organizer based on the value of arbitrary OIDC attributes (claims). Team assignment rules will apply when users log in, users matching newly created rules might need to log out and back in for the assignment to take effect.

Development setup

  1. Make sure that you have a working pretix development setup.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Activate the virtual environment you use for pretix development.
  4. Execute python develop within this directory to register this application with pretix's plugin registry.
  5. Execute make within this directory to compile translations.
  6. Restart your local pretix server. You can now use the plugin from this repository for your events by enabling it in the 'plugins' tab in the settings.

This plugin has CI set up to enforce a few code style rules. To check locally, you need these packages installed:

pip install flake8 isort black

To check your plugin for rule violations, run:

black --check .
isort -c .
flake8 .

You can auto-fix some of these issues by running:

isort .
black .

To automatically check for these issues before you commit, you can run .install-hooks.


Copyright 2023 Jaakko Rinta-Filppula, Felix Schäfer

Released under the terms of the Apache License 2.0


OIDC plugin for pretix



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