This is a vagrantfile and some supporting Ansible configurations. The idea is to have a simple way to run LAMP applications in dev. Clone this and build your application in the root. Running should just be a few steps
This was almost compleatly ripped off from the GeoVM Brandon made.
Things you will need to do first
- Install the Vagrant binary
- Install Ansible using your OS package manager. For mac:
brew install ansible
Running the dev server
to the root directory of this repovagrant up
- Go to http://localhost:8999/
The port 8999 might have been changed because it was already being used on this system. The actual port will be shown under this line in the output:
default: Forwarding ports...
Apache logs
vagrant ssh -c "tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log"
vagrant ssh -c "tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log"