staeiou / CryptoWho

UC San Diego Senior Data Science Capstone advised under Stuart Geiger

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Data Science Capstone Project advised under Stuart Geiger


Brian Huang and Lily Yu


In 2020, Bitcoin, other Cryptocurrencies and blockchain investments (NFTs) experienced a major boom. With the endorsements of many major companies and what seemed to be a large scale adoption on the horizon, the Crypto craze had started kicking off.

For many, cryptocurrency and NFTs were the first time they encountered an 'investment'. Many proclaimed crypto/NFT traders had no prior experience with any investing (stock market, retirement accounts, etc.) and looked to crypto/NFT as a get rich quick path. However, with the influx of new and young traders it was only a matter of time before the crypto/NFT scams began to pray on it's new consumers.

While crypto/NFT is not inherently a scam, many bad actors began to manipulate the influx of young and inexperienced investors. Many schemes akin to pump and dumps began to appear and with the popularity of crypto/NFT throughout social media, many inexperienced investors were quick to turn a blind eye to scams that seasoned investors may recognize immediately.

Cases like this have occured with traditional markets as well, where investors pour money into an asset based off of hype with no sound reasoning ($GME or GameStop). Crypto/NFTts however were especially susceptible to this with the combination of a relatively new asset, large demographic of young investors, and many social media influencers promoting these assets (Logan Paul, Doja Cat, etc)

With the most recent scandals in the cryptocurrency/NFT world (FTX, Logan Paul's CryptoZoo), it's more important than ever to investigate the platforms that many of these assets are promoted on. While platforms like YouTube and TikTok may not be intentionally promoting this content, it's important that they're aware of if their algorithms do indeed promote this type of content. To clarify, we do not provide an opinion on whether these scams are run by the founders of these products (FTX's Sam Bankman-Fried and CryptoZoo's Logal Paul) but rather emphasize that the scams have occured.

The goal of this project is to investigate YouTube's recommendation algorithm to provide insight on the types of investment recommendations being provided to users across a variety of age groups. We assume that all individuals should be receiving the same proportion of recommendations based on their search trends (within a margin of error) regardless of age. This implies that a user who is younger and searching for general investment advice should not be receiving more crypto/NFT recommendations than someone who is older with similar watch history. By conducting audits on YouTube, we hope to gain valuable insight on YouTube and it's role in propogating this type of content on their platform (whether intentional or not).

What does this repository offer?


Create and activate Python >= 3.6 Virtual Environment

We are using Python version 3.8.5 (

python3 -m venv .venv

source .venv/bin/activate

Note: We use Python 3.8.5 to use the gensim.summarization package. If you are having issues with that, please downgrade to Python 3.8.5 and run this instead:

python3.8.5 -m venv .venv

source .venv/bin/activate

Install required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Reddit Thread Scraper

We use Selenium with the Firefox Webdriver to scrape Reddit threads for YouTube videos. This data is used to train a YouTube video classifier.

To run the scraper, you will need to install the Firefox Webdriver, which can be downloaded here.

To install, place your OS-appropriate executable in a directory locatable by your PATH.

API Key Setup

Our codebase uses the YouTube Data API to download video metadata, comments, and for many other purposes like searching YouTube and grabbing recommendations. We use the OpenAI API to provide snippets and retrieve classification labels for our downloaded videos.

It is important that you create an API key for the YouTube Data API and set it in the configuration files of our codebase. You can enable the YouTube Data API for your Google account and obtain an API key following the steps here.

You can fetch your OpenAI API key from here.:

Once you have both API keys, please set the YOUTUBE_DATA_API_KEY and OPEN_AI_KEY variable in your environment:

You can do so by going to your home directory and running the following command:

Mac OS and Linux

nano .bash_profile

Inside your bash profile, you can go ahead and set this at the top:


Close out of your terminal and your code editor to see changes occur.

Check that updates have been made


The following tutorials cover how to do this as well: (Mac/Linux) (Windows)

If you are not seeing updates, your bash_profile may not be sourced. To resolve this, add the following line to your .bashrc:

. ~/.bash_profile

This can be anywhere, but we've put ours at the very bottom. Use the following command to enter your .bashrc.

nano .bashrc

Now within Python you can access your API key by doing the following:

import os

youtube_key = os.environ.get("YOUTUBE_DATA_API_KEY")
openai_key = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY")

Downloading YouTube Video Data

Using seed will download all seed videos and save it in data/seed/youtube/videos_{}.csv.

Using audit will download all videos throughout the audit and save it in data/audit/youtube/videos_{}.csv

Calling python src/data/ <video_ids seperated by spaces> will download any videos you want and save it in data/external/youtube/videos_{}.csv.

DaVinci-003 Fine Tuning


Conducting the Audit



UC San Diego Senior Data Science Capstone advised under Stuart Geiger


Language:Jupyter Notebook 70.3%Language:Python 29.7%