stackkit / laravel-database-emails

Store e-mails in the database and send them using a cronjob

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This package allows you to store and send e-mails using the database.


This package requires Laravel 10 or 11.


Require the package using composer.

composer require stackkit/laravel-database-emails

Publish the configuration files.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=database-emails-config
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=database-emails-migrations

Create the database table required for this package.

php artisan migrate

Add the e-mail cronjob to your scheduler

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)


Send an email

E-mails are composed the same way mailables are created.

use Stackkit\LaravelDatabaseEmails\Email;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailables\Content;
use Stackkit\LaravelDatabaseEmails\Attachment;
use Illuminate\Mail\Mailables\Envelope;

    ->content(fn (Content $content) => $content
        ->with(['name' => 'John Doe'])
    ->envelope(fn (Envelope $envelope) => $envelope
        ->from('', 'John Doe')
        ->to('', 'Jane Doe')
        Attachment::fromStorageDisk('s3', '/invoices/john-doe/march-2024.pdf'),

Sending emails to users in your application


By default, the name column will be used to set the recipient's name. If you wish to use something different, you should implement the preferredEmailName method in your model.

class User extends Model
    public function preferredEmailName(): string
        return $this->first_name;

By default, the email column will be used to set the recipient's e-mail address. If you wish to use something different, you should implement the preferredEmailAddress method in your model.

class User extends Model
    public function preferredEmailAddress(): string
        return $this->work_email;

By default, the app locale will be used. If you wish to use something different, you should implement the preferredEmailLocale method in your model.

class User extends Model implements HasLocalePreference
    public function preferredLocale(): string
        return $this->locale;

Using mailables

You may also pass a mailable to the e-mail composer.

    ->mailable(new OrderShipped())


To start attaching files to your e-mails, you may use the attachments method like you normally would in Laravel. However, you will have to use this package's Attachment class.

use Stackkit\LaravelDatabaseEmails\Attachment;

        Attachment::fromPath(__DIR__.'/files/my-file.txt')->as('Test123 file'),
        Attachment::fromStorageDisk('my-custom-disk', 'test.txt'),


Attachment::fromData() and Attachment::fromStorage() are not supported as they work with raw data.

Attaching models to e-mails

You may attach a model to an e-mail. This can be useful to attach a user or another model that belongs to the e-mail.



You may schedule an e-mail by calling later instead of send. You must provide a Carbon instance or a strtotime valid date.

    ->later('+2 hours');

Queueing e-mails


When queueing mail using the queue function, it is no longer necessary to schedule the email:send command.


// On a specific connection
Email::compose()->queue(connection: 'sqs');

// On a specific queue
Email::compose()->queue(queue: 'email-queue');

// Delay (send mail in 10 minutes)
Email::compose()->queue(delay: now()->addMinutes(10));

If you need more flexibility, you may also pass your own job class:

Email::compose()->queue(jobClass: CustomSendEmailJob::class);

It could look like this:


namespace App\Jobs;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Stackkit\LaravelDatabaseEmails\SendEmailJob;

class CustomSendEmailJob extends SendEmailJob implements ShouldQueue
    // Define custom retries, backoff, etc...

Test mode

When enabled, all newly created e-mails will be sent to the specified test e-mail address. This is turned off by default.


E-mails to send per minute

To configure how many e-mails should be sent each command.


Send e-mails immediately

Useful during development when Laravel Scheduler is not running

To enable, set the following environment variable:


Pruning models

use Stackkit\LaravelDatabaseEmails\Email;

$schedule->command('model:prune', [
    '--model' => [Email::class],

By default, e-mails are pruned when they are older than 6 months.

You may change that by adding the following to the AppServiceProvider.php:

use Stackkit\LaravelDatabaseEmails\Email;

public function register(): void
    Email::pruneWhen(function (Email $email) {
        return $email->where(...);


Store e-mails in the database and send them using a cronjob

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 99.8%Language:Blade 0.2%