ssudhanshudas / extjs-fusionchart

Fusion chart wrapper in ext js, could be used as a component

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Fusion chart wrapper in ext js, could be used as a component


Set the namepsace path mapping

Ext.Loader.setPath('Jda.widget', 'jedify/widget');

{ xtype : 'fusionchart', title : 'KPI Dashboard', itemId : 'kpiaggregategraphview', flex : 1,
dataFormat : 0, data : jsonDataArray type : 'MSCombi2D' }



Prerequisite :

Fusion chart library should be made available

Features :

  • It renders the chart to the target container

  • Using the maximize tool you can maximize the chart to an additional overlay with the same object


Fusion chart wrapper in ext js, could be used as a component