sstorholm / URI_Cheetsheet

Cheat sheet for weird and wonderful URI and URL formats

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Cheat sheet for weird and wonderful URI and URL formats

RFC 3986

RFC 3986 defines the generic syntax and format for URIs and is a good primer on what's possible with URIs.

Contact URIs

E-mail Addresses

Uses the mailto: URI to signal the client to open a new e-mail message addressed to the recipient following the mailto: identifier in the default e-mail application.

<a href="">Feedback</a>

Please read RFC 6068 for more information regarding advanced formatting.

Telephone Numbers

Works similar to mailto:

<a href="tel:+31123456789">Call us</a>

Please read RFC 3966 for more information regarding advanced formatting.


SIP and SIPS URIs direct the client to make a SIP connection to a specific URN, over ports 5060 and 5061 respectivly, and (possibly) ask for a connection to a specific phone number.

<a href="">Call us</a>

<a href="">Call us</a>

Wikipedia has a short article regarding sip: URIs.


Also similar to mailto: but support is a lot rarer.

<a href="geo:37.786971,-122.399677;u=35">Wikimedia Headquarters</a>

Wikipedia has a short but sweet article regarding geo: URIs.



Similar to mailto:, opens a supported client for sending bitcoint to a wallet, if such a client exists.

<a href="bitcoin:3QJmV3qfvAf3sRCW3qSinyC">Send me Bitcoin!</a>


Cheat sheet for weird and wonderful URI and URL formats

License:GNU General Public License v3.0