sspeng / LinopScript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Running BART's parallel-imaging compressed-sensing on more easily defined image-to-signal operators.

Look at the .txt files to see how to define an operator. For example, nuftScriptN.txt, is a simple sensitivity maps+nuft operator, with separately defined normal operator using Topelitz embedding:
fmac 1 0
nufft 0 -1 -1 7 0 0 0 0
f 0
dblsz 3
fft 3
fmac 2 0
a 3 This is the adjoint of dblsz, i.e. cropping
a 2 This is the adjoint of fft, i.e. ifft
a 0



linopScript command to test operator

Usage: linopScript [-N] [-A] [-j d] <OpScriptTxt> <StartDims> <input> [<file0> [<file> [<file2> [...]]]] <output>\

Apply linop from script:
linopScript <OpScriptTxt> <StartDims> <input> [<file0> [<file> [<file2> [...]]]] <output>
Apply operator script from OpScriptTxt on the input, and save in output
Uses other files if mentioned
FMAC <Which_file_no> <SQUASH_FLAGS> : multiplies and then sums
Transpose : transposes the dims
Print : print messageId on frwrd/adjoint/normal calls
ident - do nothing
Samp <Which_file_no> : Sampling is multiplication by binary map - so forward=adjoint=normal
Part Dim1 Dim2 K
Hankel Dim1 Dim2 K
resize FileIdx : File contains new size
dblsz/halfsz/dblszc/halfszc Flags : Flags for dims to double/half
NUFFT TrajFileIdx WeightsFileIdx BasisFileIdx NUFlags ToepBool pcycleBool periodicBool lowmemBool : TrajFile should be [3 readout spokes]. Bool 0/1. NUFT defaults are false.\

-N Apply normal
-A Apply adjoint
-j fftmod_flags flags for fftmod_flags of (k-space?) input (if forward/normal) and (sensitivity?) file0
-h help\



Language:C 56.5%Language:C++ 30.8%Language:CMake 6.0%Language:Cuda 2.8%Language:Makefile 2.0%Language:Python 1.0%Language:MATLAB 0.6%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:Roff 0.0%