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AWS ECS基本概念與範例

ECS Infrastructure


ECS Components - Image > Task > Service > Cluster


Example1 - 部署一個NodeJS Web Application

Example2 - 部署一個使用NGINX做反向代理的NodeJS Web Application

Example3 - 如何使用Jenkins ECS Slaves Plugin增加CI/CD效率

AWS ECS vs AWS Lambda

Services Lambda ECS
Languages Support Node.js (JavaScript)、Python、Java (與 Java 8 相容) 和 C# (.NET Core) 不限
Pricing 每100ms為單位計費(不足則算100ms,通常較為便宜) 以小時計費(同EC2,通常較為昂貴)
Networking 沒有Public IP、無法ssh 有Public IP,可以ssh(同EC2)
Timeout (重要)最多5分鐘 無限制
Environment 較簡單,但比較沒有自由安裝套件等的彈性 | 較複雜,但較有彈性 
Libraries / Dependencies (重要)總共最多250MB(zip壓縮後) 無限制
Scale 全受管,不需要特別設定 需要進行AutoScaling的設定
Logging 進到AWS CloudWatch集中管理 可以自行設定
Summary 較適合拿來做計算、與其他AWS服務的串接(e.g. DynamoDB) 較適合拿來做Web Service

AWS ECS Auto Scaling


Example4 - 錯誤示範:Cluster設定80%的Memory Utilization,t2 Large Instance,但每個Task的Memory Reservation為512MB...

# of Tasks # of Container Instances Reserved Memory before Memory needed Reserved Memory after What happens
0 1 0% (0 MB) 512 MB 25% (512 MB) Task is scheduled
1 1 25% (512 MB) 512 MB 50% (1024 MB) Task is scheduled
2 1 50% (1024 MB) 512 MB 75% (1536 MB) Task is scheduled
3 1 75% (1536 MB) 512 MB Task can’t be scheduled

Rule of Thumb

Threshold = (1 - max(Container Reservation) / Total Capacity of a Single Container Instance) * 100

Example5 - Fácil的部署實例
