ssh000 / chat-app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is simple Create React App application. Run yarn(npm i) and yarn start(npm run start) in order to install dependencies and to run application;


  1. Messages list is reversed. To show new messages ast the bottom of the list;
  2. You can send new message on enter, however on shift + enter you can add new line;
  3. User is hardcoder by default to { id: 1 }, but you can change the user by adding to the query string: http://localhost:3000/?userId=2;
  4. When you hit enter to send a new message UI doesn't wait response from a server. it was done intentionally to show some Optimistic UI approach;
  5. Selected chat is highlighted.
  6. Date format internationalization.
  7. BEM naming convetion for the styles.
  8. Will work on last 1 version of: Edge, Firefox, Chrome.


  1. There is not much of decomposition, because app itself quite small and simple. The only component that I moved out of the App is Input component. Because Input was sharing state with App and affected the performance of the whole app;
  2. It would be nice to add Proptypes or Typescript to describe data structures in the app more eloquently;
  3. This app could have been implemented using Websockets to make this app more responsive and reactive;
  4. Missing esLint config;
  5. No tests though, sorry :)



Language:JavaScript 72.7%Language:CSS 14.8%Language:HTML 12.5%