ssbc / ssb-meta-feeds-dm-spec

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Version: 0.1

Author: Mix Irving

License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The addition of metafeeds (see ssb-meta-feeds-spec), means that the process of encrypting messages to other peers as direct messages (DMs) now unclear.

In classic scuttlebutt, when you see a recps (recipients) field which contains a feedId, you would know that meant to calculate a shared cryptographic key by:

  1. converting the feedId from a public ed25519 signing key to a curve25519 encryption key
  2. converting your feedIds ed25519 signing secret key to curve25519 encryption key
  3. creating a Diffie-Hellman shared key by crossing your secret with their public encryption keys

With metafeeds, we need to define which "feed" or "identity" keys we want to put in the recps, and how we should derive a shared encryption key given we are dealing with trees of keys.


  • DM - a "direct message", in this context a message encrypted so that one (or more) other peers can read it.

  • Root feed - the top-most feed in a peers metafeed tree

  • Leaf feed - a leaf feed is feed at the bottom of a metafeed tree, and contains content (i.e. not link to further sub-feeds)

  • Mirror leaf - if two peers both have a leaf feeds which were determinstically placed in the same position in their respective metafeed trees, we call these "mirror leaves".

    flowchart TB
    subgraph mix
      direction TB
      1_root[root] -->
      1_v1[v1] -->
      1_shard[D] -->
    subgraph staltz
      direction TB
      2_root[root] -->
      2_v1[v1] -->
      2_shard[4] -->
    classDef leaf fill:hotpink, stroke:none;
    classDef cluster fill:#ddd, stroke:none;

    Diagram showing two peers who have mirror "chess" leaves. Note that under v1 metafeed trees, the shard will likely be different but is deterministically deriveable.

  • DH Keys - short for Diffie-Hellman curve25519 keys. A public-private keypair that can be used to derived shared cryptographic keys through a special "multiplication" with another peer.

1. Announcing DH-keys

This spec only supports sending a DM from one leaf to its mirror leaf feed.

To signal that you support DMs, when you publish the meta/add/derived announcing your leaf feed, you attach the metadata containing a public key for encryption.

  type: 'meta/add/derived',
  purpose: 'chess',
  subfeed: 'ssb:feed/classic/DIoOBMaI1f0mJg+5tUzZ7vgzCeeHh8+zGta4pOjc+k0='
  metadata: {
    encryption: {
      curve: 'curve25519',
      public: 'BtFRgQLgXyq3G48jDrX9OaY/mnPaWnu+kOfx2yEOWwU=' // public DH key
  • 1.1 Feeds supporting DMs MUST include a public curve25519 key on the meta/add/derived message connecting the leaf feed to it's shared
    • this public key MUST be stored in the message content, under metadata.encryption.public
    • the message MUST announce the curve used as curve25519 under metadata.encryption.curve
    • you will need to persist, or have a strategy for recalling the private part for yourself
  • 1.2 If a feed does not announce a public key this way you SHOULD NOT DM it

2. Encrypting a DM message

If I (mix) am sending a DM to a friend (staltz) I'm playing chess with, I do that by publishing a message like the following to my chess leaf feed:

  type: 'chess/move',
  // ...
  recps: [
    'ssb:feed/bendybutt-v1/mreYjjsak8sIXIzVq/LPVugxXYDZTAszN6aOrHgbtL8=', // mix
    'ssb:feed/bendybutt-v1/UkrcQFhPcOMgW5Ag6iuXdawHO6ArRmpueeINt/X4MGA='  // staltz
  • 2.1 DM encrypted messages MUST contain a recps array which

    • a) MUST include ssb-uri encoded Root feed ids of all peers involved in the DM

      • Why Root feed ids? (see more) When referencing another person, we want a unique id, which their Root feed Id is. We also want other recipients to be able to know who to replicate if they discover a recipient they don't already have. The Root feed id allows them to more easily do this.
      • Why include yourself? (see more) For most encrypted message, we want to peers to be able to reply simple by copying the `recps` from the initial message and those should "just work". Including `recps` is also a good way to transparently signal who else can open this (there may be up to 16 recipients, yourself included)
    • b) MAY include other ids (e.g. group, po-box)

  • 2.2 the ciphertext MUST be derived by following the envelope-spec

  • 2.3 the { key, scheme } pairs used for encryption MUST be deived by mapping the message recps

    • a) for a feed id that's not ours:

      • i) scheme MUST be equal to envelope-id-based-meta-feeds-dm-curve2519
      • ii) key MUST be derived by combining mirror leaf feed ids along with the associated DH keys as follows:
      const hash = 'SHA256'
      const length = 32
      const salt = SHA256('envelope-dm-v1-extract-salt')
      function directMessageSlotKey(
      ) {
        var input_keying_material = scalarmult(my_dh_secret, your_dh_public)
        var info_context = Buffer.from('envelope-ssb-dm-v1/key', 'utf8')
        var info_keys = sort([
          bfe.encode(3, 0, my_dh_public) || my_id_bfe,
          bfe.encode(3, 0, your_dh_public) || your_id_bfe
        var info = slp.encode([info_context, ...info_keys])
        return hkdf(input_keying_material, length, { salt, info, hash })
      • (dh_secret, dh_public) are the secret and public parts of a Diffie-Hellman keypair
      • id_bfe is the "id" of a feed, namely the public part of that feed's signing keypair, encoded in "type-format-key" format (see BFE)
      • || means Buffer concat
      • sort means sort these 2 buffers bytewise so that the smallest is first
      • bfe.encode is bfe encoding of the encryption key, here with type: 3, format 0 (see BFE)
      • slp.encode is "shallow length-prefixed encode" (see SLP)
    • b) for a feed id that IS yours, see this the "self case" here in the private-group-spec

    • c) for a group id, or P.O. box id, see the private-group-spec

  • 2.4 any failure to map a recipient MUST result in an encryption failure
