ssbc / ssb-group-admin-spec

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

⚠️ Status: gathering requirements :warning


working title


Some groups want to be able to define "Admins" who have special permissions.

Some of these permissions might be through group agreement, some might be through the existence of a special "sub-group" for admins (which has access to P.O. Box keys for example)

  • mix: 🔥 this is me describing Ahau... I don't think I'm a good person to describe the problem because my head is in the solution space already

User Journeys

Stories about how having admins plays out, or doesn't


  1. Does this use the ssb-permisions-spec ?
    • check that spec for questions!
  2. Can people take actions "against" the admins?
    • e.g. invite someone to the group, change a group setting?
    • a) if they can what happens?
      • i) is the action ignored by reducing logic
      • ii) does it go ahead but the group is notified?
