ssatyamchauhan / collaborator-orm-todo-backend-

Repository from Github https://github.comssatyamchauhan/collaborator-orm-todo-backend-Repository from Github https://github.comssatyamchauhan/collaborator-orm-todo-backend-

This is the back-end part of Web-App-React-Collaborator-Todo


First of all this is the backend part of React-Todo. All you need to do first go to repository and setup the React-collaborator-todo-fron-end. At the end You need to come here and setup backend. In this,I have coded with using express(a node framework) to perform CRUD operation. Express is a perfect choice for a server when it comes to create and exposing api(REST full API) to communicate as a client with your server application.


You need a file name .env
Where you enter your credentials

secret = your secret will here
gmailpass = yourgmailpassword
host = localhost
user = username of mysql-server
password = password of mysql-server
database = database name


if you are a linux user:
All you need to installed node, mysql and git in your system.
To install node run command sudo apt-get install nodejs
Tod install mysql run command sudo apt-get install mysql-server
To install git run command sudo apt-get install git
And it is done.
Now Run the following command :

git clone
cd /yourprojectdirectory
npm install 
npm start



Language:JavaScript 100.0%