ssardina-teaching / git-hw-submissions

Scripts to support homework submissoin via Git and GitHub

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Submission Management Support Scripts


These are some useful scripts that I use in teaching:

  • will collect all repos in a given GitHub Classroom/Organization for a given assignment.
  • will clone and update a set of repositories (provided in a CSV file) for a given submission tag.
  • extract the number of commits per each author in a set of GitHub repositories. This can be used to do analysis of student contributions
  • will push a template Wiki to a list of GitHub repos.
  • add/delete GH username to a list of teams in an organization (e.g., to add tutors to groups so they can see student repos).
  • a shell script template to make changes to a collection of repos.

Other scripts (under other-scripts/ folder):

  • Scrape GitHub for repo info via searches.
  • Clones set of GitHub repo.

All these scripts were tested under Python 3.6+

To install all requirements:

$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt collect repos from a GH Organizations

The script produces a CSV file with all the repos in a given GitHub Classroom for a particular assignment.

The CSV file produced, for each repo, the following information:

  • the organization name of the GitHub classroom;
  • the assignment prefix name;
  • the user of the repo;
  • the GitHub name of the repo; and
  • the full SSH git URL specification.

The script requires a username and its password or file with GitHub access token that allows access to the organization.

For example, to get all the repos submitted for assignment with prefix p0-warmup into a CSV file p0-repos.csv:

$ python3 ../git-hw-submissions.git/ -u ssardina -t ~/.ssh/keys/github-token-ssardina-new-May_5-2021.txt RMIT-COSC1127-1125-AI21  p0-warmup p0-repos.csv

This will produce a CSV of this form:


If we want to map repo's suffixex (github_username) to student ids (identifier), we can use --student-map cosc1127-map.csv

Next, we can use that CSV file to clone the corresponding repos at a given tag submission using the script

$ python ../git-hw-submissions.git/ --file-timestamps test/cosc1127_timestamps.csv p0/cosc1127-repos-p0.csv submission p0/ batch git cloning

Script clones a set of student/team repositories listed in a CSV file at a given tagged commit. The CVS file should contain the team name (under column name TEAM) and a GIT ssh link (under column name GIT-URL).

If a repository already exists, it will be updated automatically:

  • if the tag changed to a different commit, the new commit will be pulled;
  • if the repo does not have the tag anymore (the student has withdraw the submission), the local copy will be removed from disk.

At the end, the script produces a CSV file with the information of each repo successfully cloned, including commit id (commit), time of the commit (submitted_at), and time of the tagging (tagged_at).

The script depends on the GitPython module:

$ pip3 install gitpython --user

For example, to clone Project 0 at commit with tag "submission" using the database of repos p0-repos.csv:

$ python ../git-hw-submissions.git/ --file-timestamps p0/cosc1127_timestamps.csv p0-repos.csv submission p0/ &| tee p0/clone-p0.txt

All repos will be cloned within folder p0/ and the file p0/cosc1127_timestamps.csv will contain the timestamps and commits of each repo cloned successfully. The file will contain the date of the commit linked to the tag and, if the tag is an annotated tag (and not just lightweight tag), it will also include the date tagged (otherwise they will be assumed the same). See annotated vs lightweight tags here.

To just clone the last commit in the master branch, use master as the tag.

The timezone used is defined by constant TIMEZONE in the script (default to Australia/Melbourne time zone). extract author commit stats

Given a CSV file with a collection of repositories, extract in a CSV file how many commits each author has done per repo. For example:

python3 git-hw-submissions.git/ -u ssardina \
    -t ~/.ssh/keys/github-token-ssardina.txt \
    --tag submission ai20-p2-repos.csv ai20-p2-authors.csv

The --tag option restricts to tags finishing in a given tag. If no tag is given, the whole repo is parsed.

The input csv file must have the fields:

  • REPO_NAME: the full repo name: owner/organization + name of repo.
  • REPO_ID: the id of the repo (e.g., team name). push Wiki template to list of repos


$ python3 ../ai20-contest-repos.csv ~/AI20/assessments/project-contest/updated-src/wiki-template/ add/delete GH username to GH teams

For example, to add Axel to all the teams except teachers:

$ python RMIT-COSC2780-2973-IDM24  axelahmer  --nteams  "teachers" "headtutor"
Running the script on: 2024-05-18-00-35-27
Sat, 18 May 2024 00:35:27 INFO     Getting organization RMIT-COSC2780-2973-IDM24...
Sat, 18 May 2024 00:35:27 INFO     Getting GH user for axelahmer...
Teams available: ['AI NPCs', 'ASP Dads', 'Galacticos', 'gASP', 'Harry Ron and Hermoine', 'IDM Project', 'Intellect Realm', 'Inter-Dimensional Masochists (IDM)', 'Logic Nexus', 'Lorem Ipsum', 'Mister World Wide', 'Prolog nightmares again', 'sajeevan', 'Super awesome team name', 'teachers', 'TRY']
Adding user **axelahmer** to team AI NPCs
Adding user **axelahmer** to team ASP Dads
Adding user **axelahmer** to team Galacticos
Adding user **axelahmer** to team gASP
Adding user **axelahmer** to team Harry Ron and Hermoine
Adding user **axelahmer** to team IDM Project
Adding user **axelahmer** to team Intellect Realm
Adding user **axelahmer** to team Inter-Dimensional Masochists (IDM)
Adding user **axelahmer** to team Logic Nexus
Adding user **axelahmer** to team Lorem Ipsum
Adding user **axelahmer** to team Mister World Wide
Adding user **axelahmer** to team Prolog nightmares again
Adding user **axelahmer** to team sajeevan
Adding user **axelahmer** to team Super awesome team name
Adding user **axelahmer** to team TRY

Some useful commands

Once all git repos have been cloned in git-submissions/, one can build zip files from the submissions into directory zip-submissions/ as follows:

for d in git-submissions-p2/*; do echo "============> Processing ${d}" ; zip -q -j "./zip-submissions-p2/`basename "$"`" "${d}"/p2-multiagent/* ;done

or for the final CTF project:

for d in git-submissions-p4/*; do echo "============> Processing ${d}" ; zip -q -j "./zip-submissions-p4/`basename "$"`" "${d}"/pacman-contest/* ;done

To count the number of commits between dates:

git log --after="2018-03-26T00:00:00+11:00" --before="2018-03-28T00:00:00+11:00" | grep "Date:" | wc -l

To copy just the new zip files:

rsync  -avt --ignore-existing  zip-submissions-p4/*.zip AI18-assessments/project-4/zip-submissions/ a shell script template to make changes to a collection of repos.

This script allows to commit and push changes to a collection of repos; for example to make edits to students' repos after they have been created.



Scripts to support homework submissoin via Git and GitHub


Language:Python 72.6%Language:Jupyter Notebook 22.1%Language:Shell 5.4%