srpiroliro / happy-notes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Review Assignment Due Date

Exam course 2023-2024

Before you begin

  • Read this file carefully
  • BEFORE touching the code, run the application and see it working on your computer. You may also want to run the tests in Notes2324ApplicationTests to see them pass. There is a set of tests for each question in a separate file. They should fail until you implement the corresponding exercise.
  • You have example calls in the file "resources/notes.http," but it might be easier to use the swagger documentation at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
  • You have the h2-console enabled at http://localhost:8080/h2-console. The database is in memory, and it is created every time you run the application.
  • When attempting to answer the questions, modify the code in small steps and try the application (run it) after every step. In this way, it is easier to track possible errors
  • A code that doesn't compile or run will be marked with zero points
  • All the questions are independent and can be answered in any order. So, if you get stuck on a question, attempt to answer another one.
  • Read the questions and the TODOs
  • In the code, you'll see TODOs where you must insert new code. TODOs explain what you need to do and may contain some clues. TODOs are numbered according to the question number. When a question has more than one TODO, they are numbered TODO X.1, TODO X.2, .., where X is the question number. There are few TODOs that don't need any code, and they are there to explain code relevant to the question (and its answer)
  • Please, don't delete the TODOs from the code.

TODOs in Intellij

In Intellij, you can see all the TODOs in the TODO tool window. You can open it using the menu View -> Tool Windows -> TODO. It is a good idea to use this tool window to track the TODOs you must do. You can also navigate to the TODOs in the code from this window.

The domain. Taking and Sharing Notes

In this application, users can create and edit notes as well as give permission to view and/or edit notes to other users. Notes have a title, content, creation date, and tags list. Tags are identified by their name (string) that can be used to classify notes.

The relationship between users (owners) and notes is implemented as a @ManyToOne relationship. It means that notes have a reference to their owner. See that the Note class implements the method isOwner(userId) that returns true if the given user is the note owner. You may want to use this method in Question 4.

A NotePermission is a class that represents a user's permission over a note. A NotePermission has a user (the user that has permission), a note (the note that the user has permission to see and/or edit), and two booleans representing the permissions (view and/or edit). See that the user and the note with an embedded id identify this class. The note's owner is the only one that can grant permissions.

The data.sql file contains some data to test the application. If you change it, some tests may fail. There are users, notes, tags, and permissions.

You also have test suites that you can run to check whether your code is correct. Tests can help you to see if your code is correct, but passing the tests doesn't necessarily mean that your code is correct.


Each question is independent of the others. You can answer them in any order. You will get two points for each question correctly answered.

Question 1: Validation

When notes are created or updated, the title must begin with a capital letter and contain only letters, spaces, and any of the following characters: À-ÿ.,;:_'- Where À-ÿ are the accented characters in Spanish and Catalan (À-ÿ represents the set of all accented characters, from À to ÿ). In the title, no numbers are allowed.

The content must begin with a capital letter and contain any of the letters as specified in the title. In addition, the content can also have numbers.

Both title and content must be between 5 and 100 characters long.

When the title and/or the content don't follow the former rules, the client must receive a bad request (400) with a message with a list of the violations. You may want to copy an entire file from the Tinder project or your own project to implement this last part.

Question 2: Query top owners

We want an ordered list of the users who have created more notes during the last 30 days. The list must be ordered by the number of notes created in descending order. In this exercise, you only need to write the query (todo 2.3). You don't need to create a new controller or a new method. You can visit todo 2.1 and 2.2 to see the chain of calls.

Question 3: Owners can add comments to their notes (and only to their notes).

This is the largest question. You may want to answer it in the last place.

The note owners can add comments to their notes (and only to their notes). Also, users can see their comments and the comments of other notes they have permission to view. A comment on a note has a title and a body. A note can have many comments, and a comment belongs to a note. You should implement the relationship as a @ManyToOne.

The entry point to create a comment has the following format: POST /users/{userId}/notes/{noteId}/comments and the body of the POST is the comment to create. The comment must have a "title" and a "body".

The entry point to list the comments of a note has the following format: GET /users/{userId}/notes/{noteId}/comments

Don't forget to use a DTO to return the comments. The DTO must have the id, title and body of the comment.

Question 4: Complete the revokePermission method

A note owner may revoke permission to a user. It is an operation that deletes a NotePermission when both edit and view permissions are revoked, and it updates the permissions when only one of them is revoked. You must finish the method revokePermission in NoteRestController. The method receives the id of the note's owner and the permission to update/delete

Question 5: Testing

Test the entry GET /users/{id} You must write two tests. One for the happy path where you provide an existing user id (1). The call with id 1 should return isOk HTTP code (200) and should have "Pere" as the name, "" as the email, and should have 3 notes with titles: "Spring Boot Introduction", "Spring Data JPA", and "Spring Security".

The second test with a non-existing user with id 1000. It should return isBadRequest HTTP code (400), and the response body should be "User with id: 100 not found"



Language:Java 100.0%