Apache Flink is an open source stream processing framework with powerful stream- and batch-processing capabilities.
Prerequisites for building Flink:
- java 8
- scala (version 2.11.8)
- maven (version 3.2.5)
git clone https://github.com/srpayd/flink-scala-project_v1.git
I used IntelliJ IDEA to develop the case that involves Scala code.
Minimal requirements for an IDE were:
- Support for Java and Scala (also mixed projects)
- Support for Maven with Java and Scala
The regarding codes are located at the below paths.
Source | Location |
data | data\case.csv |
code | src\main\scala\package1\trendyol_case.scala |
output | outputs\result.txt |
Steps for dockerize the project as listed below:
- Produce the fat jar file
- Define a Dockerfile
- Build a Docker image
Installed the most recent stable version of docker https://docs.docker.com/installation/
The first concern is creating a fat jar from the Scala project. We will end up with a fat jar located at the out\artifacts\flink_scala_project\flink_scala_project.jar path.
Now the easy part is putting our application inside a docker container. Once we build a Dockerfile and stored it under the same path of fat jar out\artifacts\flink_scala_project\Dockerfile.
#node'un official image'ini kullandım. versiyon 8
FROM java:8
#uygulama 8080 portunu kullaniyor
# Install build dependencies and flink
ADD flink-scala-project.jar flink-scala-project.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","flink-scala-project.jar"]
The last step is building a Docker image and run it inside the container. Run the below codes in the terminal while we are in the location Dockerfile saved.
docker build -f Dockerfile -t dockerdemo .
docker run --name flink_container dockerdemo