srinathkr07 / Product-Management-System-API

An Open API Specification (OAS) for Product Management System done for the final assignment during PayPal India's Value Added Program (VAP) at VIT Chennai.

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An Open API Specification (OAS) for Product Management System done for the final assignment during PayPal India's Value Added Program (VAP) at VIT Chennai.

This API can be used for all kinds of products. The data is broken down into mainly three collections - product, store and user. Endpoints have been written to perform basic operations like GET, PUT, POST and DELETE.

Description/Documentation for the API specification can be found here:

And, the API specification can be found here:



Endpoint Request Method Description
/product GET To get the list of products
/product POST To add a new product to the list of products
/product/{id} GET To get product details, based on Product ID
/product/{id} PUT To update the details of an existing product, based on Product ID
/product/{id} DELETE To delete a product, based on Product ID


Endpoint Request Method Description
/store/order POST To place a product order
/store/order/{orderId} GET To find a product order details, based on Order ID
/store/order/{orderId} DELETE To delete a product order details, based on Order ID


Endpoint Request Method Description
/user POST To create a new user
/user/login GET For an existing user to login
/user/logout GET For a logged in user to logout
/user/{username} GET To get user details, based on username
/user/{username} PUT To update the details of an existing user, based on username
/user/{username} DELETE To delete a user, based on username



Detail Datatype Description
PId string ID of the product
Name string Name of the product
DateOfManufacture string($date) Date of Manufacture of the product
Category string Category to which the product belongs
Price number Price of the product
Status Enum Status of the product i.e Available or Sold


Detail Datatype Description
UId string ID of the user
Username string Username of the user's account
FirstName string First name of the user
LastName string Last name of the user
Email string Email of the user
Password string Password of the user's account
Phone string Phone number of the user


Detail Datatype Description
OId string ID of the order
PId string ID of the product
UId string ID of the user
Quantity number Quantity of the product ordered
ShipDate string($date) Shipping date of the order
Status Enum Status of the order i.e. Placed, Approved or Delivered
Complete boolean (default: false) Completion status of the order i.e true or false


An Open API Specification (OAS) for Product Management System done for the final assignment during PayPal India's Value Added Program (VAP) at VIT Chennai.