sreeramaraju / dnschain

A blockchain-based DNS + HTTP server that fixes HTTPS security, and more!


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


DNSChain (formerly DNSNMC) makes it possible to be certain that you're communicating with who you want to communicate with, and connecting to the sites that you want to connect to, without anyone secretly listening in on your conversations in between.

What is it?

DNSChain replaces X.509 PKI with the blockchain

X.509 PKI makes and breaks today's Internet security. It's what makes your browser think "The connection to this website is secure" when it's not. It's what we have to get rid of, and DNSChain provides a scalable, distributed, and decentralized replacement that doesn't depend on untrustworthy "authority figures": ︎

DNSChain X.509 PKI with or without Certificate Transparency
MITM-proof authentication [1]
Secure and simple GPG key distribution
Free and actually-secure SSL certificates [2]
Stops many denial-of-service attacks [3]
Certificate revocation that actually works [4]
DNS-based censorship circumvention [5]
Prevents domain theft ("seizures")
Access blockchain-based domains like .bit
RESTful API to blockchain via .dns metaTLD
Simple design fits in about 600 lines of CoffeeScript!

Simple and secure GPG key distribution

Easily share your GPG key!

Well, simple to share, a little more difficult to register it (at the moment only, give it time ^_^):

  1. Use namecoind to register your identity in the id/ namespace.
  2. Use a DNSChain server that exposes its .dns meta-TLD through the traditional DNS, as shown in the screenshot.

It's always best to use your own server, of course. Note: headers containing a crypographic signature will be sent soon!

Free SSL certificates become possible

SSL certificates today do not provide the security that they claim to provide. DNSChain replaces Certificate Authorities by providing a means for distributing public keys in a way that is secure from MITM attacks.

Prevents DDoS attacks

Unlike traditional DNS servers, DNSChain encourages widespread deployment of the server (ideally, "one for every group of friends"). This distributed, flat topology eliminates the need for open resolvers by making it practical to limit clients to a small, trusted set. Additionally, whereas traditional DNS resolvers must query other DNS servers to answer queries, blockchain-based DNS resolvers have no such requirement because all of the data necessary to answer queries is stored locally on the server.

Another DoS attack relates to the centralized manner in which today's SSL certificates are checked for revocation:

Certificate revocation that actually works


DNS-based censorship circumvention

The developers of and DNSChain are teaming up to bring the anti-censorship features of into DNSChain. Each project benefits from the other: DNSChain ensures MITM-free communication and ensures that the communication passes through firewalls.

The feature is optional and is up to the server administrator to enable and configure to their needs. It uses MITM to defeat censorship at its own game. works by hijacking the DNS lookups for the domains on a list defined by the server administrator. The server then accepts all HTTP and HTTPS traffic addressed to those domains and forwards it intelligently. Even though it can't decrypt SSL traffic, it can still forward it. It's as fast as a VPN (unlike Tor) and ONLY tunnels the traffic to those domains, meaning that it doesn't affect other online activites (unlike VPNs and Tor) and isn't costly in server bandwidth. Finally, there's no software to install, only DNS settings to change. It has been confirmed to work in Turkey, UK, Kuwait, UAE and many additional Middle Eastern countries.

For now, Deep Packet Inspection techniques used in Pakistan and China can still beat, but the next version will address that issue using a technique called Host Tunneling. Short of cutting entire countries off the internet, DNSChain/ will be able to get through.

The .dns meta-TLD

.dns is a meta-TLD because unlike traditional TLDs, it is not meant to globally resolve to a specific IP. Rather, it is meant to resolve to a DNSChain server that you personally own and run.

It bears emphasizing that you cannot register a meta-TLD because you already own them!

When a DNSChain server sees a request to a .dns domain, it handles the request itself, looking it up in a blockchain stored on that same server. At the moment, DNSChain uses the Namecoin blockchain, but it can easily be configured to use any blockchain.

How do I use it?

No special software is required, just set your computer's DNS settings to use one of the public DNSChain servers (more secure to run your own though).

Then try the following:

Don't want to change your DNS settings?

As a convenience, the first DNSChain server's .dns meta-TLD can be accessed over the old-DNS by way of, like so:

This means you can immediately begin writing JavaScript apps that query the blockchain. :)

Free public DNSChain servers

DNSChain is meant to be run by individuals!

Yes, you can use a public DNSChain server, but it's far better to use your own because it gives you more privacy, makes you more resistant to censorship, and provides you with a stronger guarantee that the responses you get haven't been tampered with by a malicious server.

Those who do not own their own server or VPS can use their friend's (as long as they trust that person). DNSChain servers will sign all of their responses, thus protecting your from MITM attacks. (NOTE: signing is not yet implemented, but will be soon)

You can, if you must, use a public DNSChain server. Simply set your computer's DNS settings to one of these. Note that some of the servers must be used with dnscrypt-proxy.

IP or DNSCrypt provider DNSCrypt Info Logs Location Owner Notes (aka d/okturtles) N/A No Atlanta, GA id/greg (aka N/A No USA id/wozz Required Info No Atlanta, GA id/greg Required Info No Poznan, Poland @maciejsoltysiak IPv6 available

Tell us about yours by opening an issue (or any other means) and we'll list it here!

We'll post the public keys for these servers here as well once signed DNS & HTTP responses are implemented. Note that DNSChain + DNSCrypt servers already guarantee the authenticity of DNS responses.

Registering .bit domains and identities

.bit domains and public identities are currently stored in the Namecoin P2P network. It's very similar to the Bitcoin network.

All of this must currently be done using namecoind, a daemon that DNSChain requires running in the background to access the Namecoin network.

See the Namecoin wiki for more info:

How do I run my own?

Get yourself a Linux server (they come as cheap as $2/month), and then make sure you have the following software installed:


  1. nodejs and npm - We recommend using a package manager to install them.
  2. coffee-script (version 1.7.1+) - install via npm install -g coffee-script
  3. grunt-cli - install via npm install -g grunt-cli, provides the grunt command.
  4. namecoind - instructions

Getting Started

  1. Install DNSChain using: npm install -g dnschain (you may need to put sudo in front of that).
  2. Run namecoind in the background. You can use systemd and create a namecoin.service file for it based off of dnschain.service.
  3. If an update is released, update your copy using npm update -g dnschain.

Test DNSChain by simply running dnschain from the command line (developers see here). Have a look at the configuration section below, and when you're ready, run it in the background as a daemon. As a convenience, DNSChain comes with a systemd unit file that you can use to run it.


DNSChain uses the wonderful nconf module for all of its configuration purposes. This means that you can configure it using files, command line arguments, and environment variables.

There are two configurations to be aware of (both loaded using nconf): DNSChain's, and namecoind's:

  • dnschain.conf locations (in order of preference):
    • $HOME/.dnschain.conf
    • $HOME/.dnschain/dnschain.conf
    • /etc/dnschain/dnschain.conf
  • namecoin.conf locations (in order of preference):
    • $HOME/.namecoin/namecoin.conf

DNSChain will fetch the RPC username and password out of Namecoin's configuration file if it can find it. If it can't, you'll either need to fix that, or provide rpcuser, rpcpassword, etc. to it via command line arguments or environment variables.

The format of the configuration file is similar to INI, and is parsed by the NodeJS properties module (in tandem with nconf). Here's an example of a possible dnschain.conf:


port = 5333
oldDNS.address =  # no quotes around IP

# disable traditional DNS resolution (default is NATIVE_DNS)
oldDNSMethod = NO_OLD_DNS # no quotes around this either


Have a look at to see all the possible configuration options and defaults!

Working with the source

Make sure you did everything in the requirements and then play with these commands from your clone of the DNSChain repository:

  • sudo grunt example (runs on privileged ports by default)
  • grunt example (runs on non-privileged ports by default)

Grunt will automatically lint your code to the style used in this project, and when files are saved it will automatically re-load and restart the server (as long as you're editing code under src/lib).



  • Greg Slepak (Original author and current maintainer)
  • Simon Grondin (DNS-based censorship circumvention)
  • Matthieu Rakotojaona (DANE/TLSA contributions and misc. fixes)
  • TJ Fontaine (For native-dns, native-dns-packet modules and related projects)
  • Your name & link of choice here!

Release History

0.2.5 - July 10, 2014
  • Fixed .bit resolution bug introduced in 0.2.4
0.2.4 - July 10, 2014
  • Fixed installation issue caused by json-rpc2
  • Fixed exception (issue #20)
  • Prevented possible DoS on in certain server setup where DNSChain is combined with another DNS server
0.2.3 - May 27, 2014
  • Updated native-dns module
  • Fixed #16 (unhandled exceptions). DNSSEC and other "unhandled" packets should be relayed now as a result.
0.2.2 - May 3, 2014
  • Corrected StackedSchedule scheduling
  • Copied old release notes to
0.2.1 - May 2, 2014

(NOTE: 0.2.1 is the same as 0.2.0, just forgot to bump NPM version.)

  • New Features:
    • oldDNSMethod config options should can now be specified as strings (and should be!)
    • new oldDNSMethod NO_OLD_DNS_EVER prevents resolution in oldDNS even if the blockchain specifies it be done. (see comments in for more info and options)
  • Improvements:
    • Improved logging shows file and line number for all warnings and errors (and for some messages of other log levels too)
    • All injected globals now start with 'g' (except for module names)
    • Faster .bit resolution
    • Imporved overall code quality and readability
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed #8 (exception on NS timeout)
    • Fixed #9 (return NXDOMAIN on bad 'ns' in *.bit)
0.1.1 - April 24, 2014
  • Improvements:
    • Some improved logging
  • Fixes:
    • Issue resolving some .bit domains introduced in previous release
    • ttl for .bit domains is now equal to average block creation time
    • Outdated license string in package.json
0.1.0 - April 24, 2014
  • New Features:
    • DANE/TLSA support for BOTH canonical DNS and blockchain DNS!
    • Added NO_OLD_DNS option for oldDNSMethod (refuses all non-blockchain queries)
  • Improvements:
    • Redesigned and improved its structure
    • Accurate ttl values now returned for namecoin DNS queries based on expires_in field
    • Updated contributors, code and config examples in
    • Improved EDNS support
    • Improved handling of ANY queries
    • Updated dependencies to latest versions
    • native-dns is now fetched from the dnschain branch of our fork.
    • Comments added all over the place (to native-dns & related projects also!)
    • Many other code improvements both to DNSChain and the NodeJS native-dns module
    • Some performance improvements
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed broken grunt example
    • Fixed some uncaught exceptions (issues #1 and #2)
    • Fixed broken NAPTR support
  • Changes:
    • DNSChain license is now MPL-2.0 (applies to version 0.1.0 onward)
    • Default logging level is now info

(For complete release history see

Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Greg Slepak. Licensed under MPL-2.0 license.


A blockchain-based DNS + HTTP server that fixes HTTPS security, and more!

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0