sreemeka82 / v2-tomat-mysql-bookstore

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Objective: This application runs on the tomcat and connect to the mysql database.

First setup : mysql and create the database and create the tables

Queries are in the sql/Bookstore.sql file

you have source code : build with maven , you will get war

Tomcat : Take the war and deploy to the webapps

How source code connect to the database , its in the web.xml WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml

jdbc url has localhost , in future you can replace where is your db ip/endpoint.

jdbcURL jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/bookstore jdbcUsername root jdbcPassword GVT0SvT

Local setup

We have the source code in the java language.

We need to compile and build the package.

From java you can make diff packages like jar/war/ear..etc.

Here for our example we are making the war file and we will deploy

into the tomcat webapps directory and you can access locally,


ex: http://localhost:8080/bookstore

above context root : /bookstore , same name has to match with the

webapps deployed file name.

This application connects to the database and stores the data of books.

CURD operations



Install the java

Install the maven

clone this project local :

Install the mysql

setup the username and password for the mysql.

Login to the database with root user.

check databases: show database;

switch to any database: use <dbname>;

Restore the sql/Bookstore.sql to the database.

Check the import database/export mysql database.

Goto the folder , where you have cloned , and run the below commands.

when you are running the command, you need to have pom.xml in the

same folder.

Build the prject: mvn clean package

Get the pacakge from target and copy to the tomcat/webapps folder.

Install the tomcat

start the tomcat access the url local

access the url


VM deployment

Application connects to the mysql/rds data

Clone this project locally.

Install the java ( Oracle/OpenJDK)-Install the JDK(not JRE)

Install the maven and setup to the path

Validate the code as a developer

check the pom.xml



Goto the init method check the jdbcURL,jdbcusername,jdbc password.

We are passing those credentials in the web.xml.

Container Deployment

Start/build the mysql container/image.

Setup the username and password during the image build time(customize your own password,dont use default password )

Intialize the database during the container build/image build time.

Create the container/create the database/delete the container.

Again start the container/check the database.

Use the volume concept

Create the container/create the database/delete the container.

Again start the container/check the database.

Update the database host/username/password in the web.xml

Create the tomcat docker image and copy this war file



Installation of java

Upgradation of java

Multiple java

Checking java version

Diff b/w jdk/jre (heapdump/threaddump )

mysql Installation of mysql

Check mysql logs

Check process list

Check queries running

Install as a service


Troubleshoot DB issue/Slow query/cpu/memory/network

Devops with DB : flyway db/schema injection

tomcat installation pre-req heap/thread dump slow kill stop/start logs check upgradation install as a service

Nginx and Tomcat integration(proxy)

reverse proxy

location /bookstore { proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_pass; }



Language:Java 100.0%