squareetlabs / LaravelOpenVidu

Laravel client for controlling your videocalls from your Openvidu server.

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Laravel client for controlling your videocalls from your Openvidu server.

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This is a Laravel package wrapping OpenVidu Server REST API


You can install this package via composer:

composer require squareetlabs/laravel-openvidu

Add Service Provider & Facade

For Laravel 5.5+

Once the package is added, the service provider and facade will be autodiscovered.

For Older versions of Laravel

Add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php:


Add the Facade to the aliases array in config/app.php:

'OpenVidu' => SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\LaravelOpenVidu::class;

Run migrations

php artisan migrate


Add your OpenVidu Server configuration values to your config/services.php file:

return [   
    'openvidu' => [
           'app' => env('OPENVIDU_APP'), //At the moment, always "OPENVIDUAPP"
           'domain' => env('OPENVIDU_DOMAIN'), //Your OpenVidu Server machine public IP
           'port' => env('OPENVIDU_PORT'), //Listening port of your OpenVidu server, default 4443
           'secret' => env('OPENVIDU_SECRET'), //The password used to secure your OpenVidu Server
           'debug' => env('OPENVIDU_DEBUG'), // true or false
           'use_routes' => env('OPENVIDU_USE_ROUTES') // true or false

Set debug to true if you want to debug OpenVidu API consumptions from Guzzle Client

Set use_routes to false if you don't want to use default defined routes.

You must also add the openvidu cache driver to your config/cache.php file:

return [   
    'stores' => [
            'openvidu' => [
                   'driver' => 'openvidu',
                   'table' => 'openvidu_cache'


Using endpoints

LaravelOpenVidu is very easy to use. By default it exposes 13 different endpoints.
1- Create a token for a new session or an existing session
Method:         POST
Route name:     openvidu.token
Uri:            openvidu/token 
Body:           {
Sample return:
                       "data":"User Data",
2- Get an existing session from array stored in memory
Method:         GET|HEAD
Route name:     openvidu.sessions.session
Uri:            openvidu/session/{sessionId}
Sample return:
                               "platform":"Chrome 69.0.3497.100 on Linux 64-bit",
                               "platform":"Chrome 69.0.3497.100 on Linux 64-bit",
3- Get an existing session from OpenVidu Server
Method:         GET|HEAD
Route name:     openvidu.sessions.session.fetch
Uri:            openvidu/session/{sessionId}/fetch
Sample return:
                               "platform":"Chrome 69.0.3497.100 on Linux 64-bit",
                               "platform":"Chrome 69.0.3497.100 on Linux 64-bit",
4- Returns the list of active sessions
Method:         GET|HEAD
Route name:     openvidu.sessions
Uri:            openvidu/sessions
Sample return:
                    'sessions' : [
                               "platform":"Chrome 69.0.3497.100 on Linux 64-bit",
                               "platform":"Chrome 69.0.3497.100 on Linux 64-bit",
                               "platform":"Chrome 69.0.3497.100 on Linux 64-bit",
                               "platform":"Chrome 69.0.3497.100 on Linux 64-bit",
5- Returns the list of active connections to the session
Method:         GET|HEAD
Route name:     openvidu.sessions.session.connections
Uri:            openvidu/session/{sessionId}/connections
Sample return:
                       "platform":"Chrome 69.0.3497.100 on Linux 64-bit",
                       "platform":"Chrome 69.0.3497.100 on Linux 64-bit",
6- Allows publish a Stream (For now can only be IPCAM).
Method:         POST
Route name:     openvidu.sessions.session.publish
Uri:            openvidu/session/{sessionId}/publish 
Body:           {
                   "data":"Reception room"
Sample return:
                    "connection: {
                       "serverData":"Reception room",
7- Forces some user to unpublish a Stream.
Method:         DELETE
Route name:     openvidu.sessions.session.forceUnpublish
Uri:            openvidu/session/{sessionId}/forceUnpublish/{streamId}
Sample return: 'unpublished': true
8- Forces the user with connectionId to leave the session
Method:         DELETE
Route name:     openvidu.sessions.session.forceDisconnect
Uri:            openvidu/session/{sessionId}/forceDisconnect/{connectionId}
Sample return: 'disconnected': true
9- Gracefully closes the Session: unpublish all streams and evicts every
Method:         PATCH
Route name:     openvidu.sessions.session.close
Uri:            openvidu/session/{sessionId}/close
Sample return:  'closed': true
10- Checks if a session is being recorded
Method:         GET|HEAD
Route name:     openvidu.sessions.session.isBeingRecording
Uri:            openvidu/session/{sessionId}/isBeingRecording
Sample return:  'isBeingRecording': true
11- Start recording a session
Method:         POST
Route name:     openvidu.recording.start 
Uri:            openvidu/recording
Sample return:
12- Stop recording a session
Method:         POST
Route name:     openvidu.recording.stop 
Uri:            openvidu/recording/{recordingId}
Sample return:
13- Get the recording of a session
Method:         GET|HEAD
Route name:     openvidu.recording 
Uri:            openvidu/recording/{recordingId}
Sample return:
14- Delete the recording of a session
Method:         DELETE
Route name:     openvidu.recording.delete 
Uri:            openvidu/recording/{recordingId}
Returns nothing
15- Sends signal to session
Method:         POST
Route name:     openvidu.sendsignal
Uri:            openvidu/sendSignal
                   "to":["connectionId1", "connectionId2"],
                   "type":"Test type",
                   "data":"This is my signal test data"
Sample return: "sent": true

Using OpenVidu Facade

Create a token for a new session or an existing session
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\OpenVidu;
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\SessionProperties;
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Enums\MediaMode;
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Enums\RecordingMode;
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Enums\OutputMode;
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Enums\RecordingLayout;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
/** var string */
$customSessionId = Str::random(20);

$sessionProperties = new SessionProperties(MediaMode::ROUTED, RecordingMode::MANUAL, OutputMode::COMPOSED, RecordingLayout::BEST_FIT, $customSessionId);
$session = OpenVidu::createSession($sessionProperties);

$tokenOptions = new TokenOptions(OpenViduRole::PUBLISHER);
$token = $session->generateToken($tokenOptions);
Get all active session
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\OpenVidu;
$session = OpenVidu::getActiveSessions();
Get an existing session
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\OpenVidu;
$session = OpenVidu::getSession($customSessionId);
Get all active connections from session
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\OpenVidu;
$session = $session = OpenVidu::getSession($customSessionId);
$connections = $session->getActiveConnections();
Close a session
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\OpenVidu;
$session = OpenVidu::getSession($customSessionId);
$closed = $session->close();
Publish a stream on session (For now only can be IPCAM)
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\OpenVidu;
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\IPCameraOptions;
/** @var string */
$rtspUri = "rtsp://check.squareet.com:1935/live/sys3.stream";
/** @var string */
$type = "IPCAM";
/** @var bool */
$adaptativeBitrate = true;
/** @var bool */
$onlyPlayWithSubscribers = true;
/** @var string */
$data = "Reception room";
$ipCamera = new IPCameraOptions($rtspUri,$type,$adaptativeBitrate,$onlyPlayWithSubscribers,$data);
$session = OpenVidu::getSession($customSessionId);
$connection = $session->publish($ipCamera);
Forces some user to unpublish a Stream.
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\OpenVidu;
$session = OpenVidu::getSession($customSessionId);
$unpublished = $session->forceUnpublish($streamId);
Forces the user with connectionId to leave the session.
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\OpenVidu;
$session = OpenVidu::getSession($customSessionId);
$disconnect = $session->forceDisconnect($connectionId);
Checks if a session is being recorded
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\OpenVidu;
$session = OpenVidu::getSession($customSessionId);
$isBeingRecording = $session->isBeingRecording($connectionId);
Start recording a session
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\OpenVidu;
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Enums\OutputMode;
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\RecordingProperties;
/** @var string */
$recordingName = "Recording of my session";
$recordingProperties = new RecordingProperties($customSessionId, $recordingName, OutputMode::INDIVIDUAL, RecordingLayout::BEST_FIT, '1920x1080', true, true, $customLayout)
$recording = OpenVidu::startRecording($recordingProperties);
Stop recording a session
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\OpenVidu;
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Enums\OutputMode;
$recording = OpenVidu::stopRecording($recordingId);
Get the recording of a session
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\OpenVidu;
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Enums\OutputMode;
$recording = OpenVidu::getRecording($recordingId);
Delete the recording of a session
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\OpenVidu;
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Enums\OutputMode;
Sends signal to session
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Facades\OpenVidu;
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\SignalProperties;
/** @var string */
$session = "SESSION_ID";
/** @var array */
$to = ["connectionId1", "connectionId2"];
/** @var string */
$type = "Test type";
/** @var string */
$data = "This is my signal test data";
$signalProperties = new SignalProperties($session,  $data, $type, $to);
$sent = OpenVidu::sendSignal($signalProperties);

Available Events

At the moment of raising the OpenVidu server we can indicate multiple configuration options, one of them is if we want to use the webhook service to receive events in an endpoint. In our case the default endpoint is '/openvidu/webhook'

Event ParticipantJoined is launched when a user has connected to a session. Example of use:
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\ParticipantJoined;

class ParticipantJoinedListener
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  ParticipantJoined  $event
     * @return void
    public function handle(ParticipantJoined $event)
        $event->sessionId;      // Session for which the event was triggered, a string with the session unique identifier
        $event->timestamp;      // Time when the event was triggered, UTC milliseconds
        $event->participantId;  // Identifier of the participant, a string with the participant unique identifier
        $event->platform;       // Complete description of the platform used by the participant to connect to the session
        $event->clientData;     // Additional data added client side while connecting to Session
        $event->serverData;     // Additional data added server side while generating Token
Event ParticipantLeft is launched when a user has left a session. Example of use:
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\ParticipantLeft;

class ParticipantLeftListener
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  ParticipantLeft  $event
     * @return void
    public function handle(ParticipantLeft $event)
        $event->sessionId;      // Session for which the event was triggered
        $event->timestamp;      // Time when the event was triggered
        $event->participantId;  // Identifier of the participant
        $event->platform;       // Complete description of the platform used by the participant to connect to the session
        $event->clientData;     // Additional data added client side while connecting to Session
        $event->serverData;     // Additional data added server side while generating Token
        $event->startTime;      // Time when the participant joined the session
        $event->duration;       // Total duration of the participant's connection to the session
        $event->reason;         // How the participant left the session.
Event RecordingStatusChanged is launched when the status of a recording has changed. The status may be: started, stopped, ready, failed. Example of use:
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\RecordingStatusChanged;

class RecordingStatusChangedListener
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  RecordingStatusChanged  $event
     * @return void
    public function handle(RecordingStatusChanged $event)
       $event->sessionId;	    // Session for which the event was triggered
       $event->timestamp;	    // Time when the event was triggered
       $event->startTime;	    // Time when the recording started
       $event->id;	            // Unique identifier of the recording
       $event->name;	        // Name given to the recording file
       $event->outputMode;	    // Output mode of the recording
       $event->hasAudio;	    // Wheter the recording file has audio or not
       $event->hasVideo;	    // Wheter the recording file has video or not
       $event->recordingLayout;	// The type of layout used in the recording. Only defined if outputMode is COMPOSED and hasVideo is true
       $event->resolution;	    // Resolution of the recorded file. Only defined if outputMode is COMPOSED and hasVideo is true	
       $event->size;            // The size of the video file. 0 until status is stopped
       $event->duration;	    //  Duration of the video file. 0 until status is stopped
       $event->status;	        // Status of the recording
       $event->reason;	        // Why the recording stopped. Only defined when status is stopped or ready
Event SessionCreated is launched when a new session has been created. Example of use:
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\SessionCreated;

class SessionCreatedListener
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  SessionCreated  $event
     * @return void
    public function handle(SessionCreated $event)
        $event->sessionId; // Session for which the event was triggered
        $event->timestamp; // Time when the event was triggered
Event SessionDestroyed is launched when a session has finished. Example of use:
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\SessionDestroyed;

class SessionDestroyedListener
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  SessionCreated  $event
     * @return void
    public function handle(SessionDestroyed $event)
        $event->sessionId;      // Session for which the event was triggered
        $event->timestamp;      // Time when the event was triggered
        $event->startTime;	    // Time when the session started
        $event->duration;	    // Total duration of the session
        $event->reason;	        // Why the session was destroyed
Event WebRTCConnectionCreated is launched when a new media stream has been established. Can be an "INBOUND" connection (the user is receiving a stream from a publisher of the session) or an "OUTBOUND" connection (the user is a publishing a stream to the session). Example of use:
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\WebRTCConnectionCreated;

class WebRTCConnectionCreatedListener
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  WebRTCConnectionCreated  $event
     * @return void
    public function handle(WebRTCConnectionCreated $event)
       $event->sessionId;        // Session for which the event was triggered
       $event->timestamp;        // Time when the event was triggered	UTC milliseconds
       $event->participantId;    // Identifier of the participant	
       $event->connection;       // Whether the media connection is an inbound connection (the participant is receiving media from OpenVidu) or an outbound connection (the participant is sending media to OpenVidu)	["INBOUND","OUTBOUND"]
       $event->receivingFrom;    // If connection is "INBOUND", the participant from whom the media stream is being received	
       $event->audioEnabled;     // Whether the media connection has negotiated audio or not
       $event->videoEnabled;     // Whether the media connection has negotiated video or not
       $event->videoSource;      // If videoEnabled is true, the type of video that is being transmitted
       $event->videoFramerate;   // If videoEnabled is true, the framerate of the transmitted video
       $event->videoDimensions;  // If videoEnabled is true, the dimensions transmitted video
Event WebRTCConnectionCreated is launched when any media stream connection is closed. Example of use:
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\WebRTCConnectionDestroyed;

class WebRTCConnectionDestroyedListener
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  WebRTCConnectionDestroyed  $event
     * @return void
    public function handle(WebRTCConnectionDestroyed $event)
       $event->sessionId;        // Session for which the event was triggered
       $event->timestamp;        // Time when the event was triggered	UTC milliseconds
       $event->participantId;    // Identifier of the participant	
       $event->connection;       // Whether the media connection is an inbound connection (the participant is receiving media from OpenVidu) or an outbound connection (the participant is sending media to OpenVidu)	["INBOUND","OUTBOUND"]
       $event->receivingFrom;    // If connection is "INBOUND", the participant from whom the media stream is being received	
       $event->audioEnabled;     // Whether the media connection has negotiated audio or not
       $event->videoEnabled;     // Whether the media connection has negotiated video or not
       $event->videoSource;      // If videoEnabled is true, the type of video that is being transmitted
       $event->videoFramerate;   // If videoEnabled is true, the framerate of the transmitted video
       $event->videoDimensions;  // If videoEnabled is true, the dimensions transmitted video
       $event->startTime;        // Time when the media connection was established	UTC milliseconds
       $event->duration;         // Total duration of the media connection	Seconds
       $event->reason;           // How the WebRTC connection was destroyed
Event FilterEventDispatched is launched when a filter event has been dispatched. This event can only be triggered if a filter has been applied to a stream and a listener has been added to a specific event offered by the filter. Example of use:
use SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\FilterEventDispatched;

class FilterEventDispatchedListener
     * Handle the event.
     * @param  FilterEventDispatched  $event
     * @return void
    public function handle(FilterEventDispatched $event)
        $event->sessionId;      // Session for which the event was triggered
        $event->timestamp;      // Time when the event was triggered
        $event->participantId;	// Identifier of the participant
        $event->streamId;	    // Identifier of the stream for which the filter is applied
        $event->filterType;	    // Type of the filter applied to the stream
        $event->data;	        // Data of the filter event

Finally remember to add them to your EventServiceProvider:

protected $listen = [
        'SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\ParticipantJoined' => [
        'SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\ParticipantLeft' => [
        'SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\RecordingStatusChanged' => [
        'SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\SessionCreated' => [
        'SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\SessionDestroyed' => [
        'SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\WebRTCConnectionCreated' => [
        'SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\WebRTCConnectionDestroyed' => [
        'SquareetLabs\LaravelOpenVidu\Events\FilterEventDispatched' => [


Visit OpenVidu Documentation for more information.


Feel free to post your issues in the issues section.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Laravel client for controlling your videocalls from your Openvidu server.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%