spyysalo / ncbi-disease

NCBI disease corpus - related resources

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NCBI disease

NCBI disease corpus - related resources

Original data available from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/CBBresearch/Dogan/DISEASE/


Original data to .ann standoff

python tools/ncbidisease2ann.py original-data/train/NCBItrainset_corpus.txt standoff/train
python tools/ncbidisease2ann.py original-data/devel/NCBIdevelopset_corpus.txt standoff/devel
python tools/ncbidisease2ann.py original-data/test/NCBItestset_corpus.txt standoff/test

Note: there is a duplicate document (PMID 8528200) in the original data, and the duplicate is recreated in the converted data by default. Run with -dedup to eliminate the duplicate. (See #1)

Standoff to CoNLL

git clone git@github.com:spyysalo/standoff2conll.git
for i in train devel test; do
    python standoff2conll/standoff2conll.py -1 Disease standoff/$i > conll/$i.tsv

CoNLL to CRFsuite

for i in train devel test; do
    python tools/conll2crfsuite.py < conll/$i.tsv > crfsuite/$i.crfsuite


NCBI disease corpus - related resources