spyros-briakos / AutoEncoder-and-Classifier-of-MNIST-images

Implementation of an Auto-Encoder and Classifier so as to classify images from MNIST dataset.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


We aim to build different Neural Networks in order to achieve 2 goals:

  1. AutoEncoder's implementation.
  2. Classifier's implementation.

Auto-Encoder is made up of one encoder and one decoder. User will be asked to give hyperparameters in order to build different Auto-Encoders and by observing their results he can save model which performed better.

Classifier will be made up of the half part of previous Auto-Encoder, more specifically only 'Encoder' part, and then a fully connected layer. With same mindset user has the freedom to build several models and plot his experiment's results or save whichever model he prefers.

Compilation & Execution

  • For AutoEncoder: python src/autoencoder.py -d data/train/train-images-idx3-ubyte

  • For Classifier: python src/classification.py -d data/train/train-images-idx3-ubyte -dl data/train/train-labels-idx1-ubyte -t data/test/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte -tl data/test/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte -model dropoutautoencoder.h5


From directory 'results_of_experiments' we are going display plots, loss vs epochs with specific hyperparameters after a series of experiments (tuning), from our best models. Note that inside this directory we saved some pretty good models for AutoEncoder, but also for Classifier.

  1. Firstly for Auto-Encoder:

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  1. Secondly for Classifier:

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  • Correct Labels

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  • InCorrect Labels

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  1. Alexandra Apostolopoulou
  2. Spyros Briakos


Implementation of an Auto-Encoder and Classifier so as to classify images from MNIST dataset.


Language:Python 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%