Leiningen Plugin
This is a simple plugn for interacting with directly from Leiningen.
Add lein-clojars as a Leiningen (1.x) plugin:
lein plugin install lein-clojars 0.9.1
Or for Leiningen 2 add it to ~/.lein/profiles.clj:
{:user {:plugins [[lein-clojars "0.9.1"]]}}
Create a Clojars account and paste your SSH public key into your [profile] 1. If you don't have ssh-keygen available -- perhaps you're using Windows -- then you can use:
lein keygen
SSH keys will searched for in ~/.leiningen and ~/.ssh under the names id_rsa, id_dsa and identity.
To push your project to the Clojars repository, simply type:
lein push
Licensed under the EPL, same as Clojure and Leiningen. See COPYING.