spy404 / Linux-commands

Linux commands

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Linux Commands

access: Verifies user permissions for accessing files.

accton: Controls process accounting activation.

aclocal: Creates aclocal.m4 from aclocal.m4.in.

acpi: Retrieves information on ACPI devices.

acpi_available: Checks system's ACPI availability.

acpid: Manages ACPI events on the system.

addr2line: Resolves addresses to file names and line numbers.

agetty: Manages physical or virtual terminals.

alias: Sets up command aliases.

amixer: Adjusts audio mixer settings.

aplay: Plays audio files using ALSA.

aplaymidi: Plays MIDI files.

apropos: Searches manual page descriptions for keywords.

apt: High-level package management tool.

apt-get: Command-line package manager for Debian-based systems.

aptitude: Text-based package manager.

ar: Creates, modifies, or extracts from archives.

arch: Displays machine hardware name.

arp: Manages ARP cache.

aspell: Interactive spell checker.

atd: Executes scheduled commands.

atq: Lists pending jobs.

atrm: Removes jobs from the at queue.

autoconf: Configures software source code packages.

autoheader: Generates a header file template.

automake: Creates [M](http://makefile.in/)akefile.in from Makefile.am.

autoreconf: Updates configure scripts.

autoupdate: Updates configure.in from macros.

awk: A powerful text processing and pattern matching tool.

banner: Prints characters in large size.

basename: Strips directory and suffix from filenames.

batch: Executes commands based on system load levels.

bc: Arbitrary-precision calculator language.

bg: Resumes suspended jobs in the background.

biff: Notifies users of mail messages.

bind: Binds a name to a socket.

bison: Parser generator for syntax analysis.

break: Exits a loop.

builtin: Runs a built-in shell command.

bzcmp: Compares bzip2 compressed files.

bzdiff: Compares bzip2 compressed files.

bzgrep: Searches patterns in bzip2 compressed files.

bzip2: Compresses or decompresses files using the bzip2 algorithm.

bzless: Views bzip2-compressed files.

bzmore: Views bzip2-compressed files.

cal: Displays a calendar.

case: Executes commands based on pattern matching.

cat: Concatenates and displays files.

cc: C compiler.

ccrypt: Encrypts and decrypts files.

cd: Changes the current directory.

cfdisk: Displays or manipulates disk partition tables.

chage: Modifies user password expiry information.

chattr: Changes file attributes on a Linux file system.

chfn: Modifies user information.

chgrp: Changes group ownership of files.

chmod: Changes file mode bits.

chown: Changes file owner and group.

chpassw: Modifies user password.

chroot: Changes the root directory for a command.

chrt: Modifies real-time attributes of a process.

chsh: Changes the login shell for a user.

chvt: Change to a different virtual terminal.

cksum: Calculate and display the checksum and byte count of a file.

clear: Clear the terminal screen.

cmp: Compare two files byte by byte.

col: Filter reverse line feeds.

colcrt: Filter nroff output for CRT previewing.

colrm: Remove columns from a file.

column: Columnate lists.

comm: Compare two sorted files line by line.

compress: Compress files using Lempel-Ziv coding.

continue: Resume the next iteration of a loop.

cp: Copy files and directories.

cpio: Copy files to and from archives.

cpp: The C Preprocessor.

cron: Daemon to execute scheduled commands.

crontab: Schedule a command to run at a later time.

csplit: Split a file into context-determined pieces.

ctags: Create a tags file.

cupsd: Common UNIX Printing System daemon.

curl: Transfer data from or to a server.

cut: Remove sections from each line of files.

cvs: Concurrent Versions System.

date: Display or set the system date and time.

dc: Desk Calculator.

dd: Convert and copy a file.

declare: Declare variables and give them attributes.

depmod: Generate modules.dep and map files.

df: Report file system disk space usage.

diff: Compare files line by line.

diff3: Show differences among three files.

dig: DNS lookup utility.

dir: List directory contents.

dirname: Convert a full pathname to just a path.

dirs: Display list of remembered directories.

disable: Disable a shell builtin.

dmesg: Print or control the kernel ring buffer.

dmidecode: DMI table decoder.

domainname: Show or set the system’s NIS/YP domain name.

dos2unix: Convert text file format.

dosfsck: Check and repair MS-DOS file systems.

dstat: Versatile resource statistics tool.

du: Estimate file space usage.

dump: Dump file systems.

dumpe2fs: Dump ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem information.

dumpkeys: Dump keyboard translation tables.

ed: The standard text editor.

echo: Display a line of text.

egrep: Search files for lines matching a pattern.

eject: Eject removable media.

emacs: The extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor.

enable: Enable and disable builtin shell commands.

env: Display, set, or remove environment variables.

eval: Evaluate several commands or arguments.

ex: Line editor.

exec: Execute a command.

exit: Exit the shell.

expand: Convert tabs to spaces.

expect: Programmed dialogue with interactive programs.

export: Set an environment variable.

expr: Evaluate expressions.

factor: Print prime factors.

fc: Fix command.

fc-cache: Build font information cache files.

fc-list: List available fonts.

fdisk: Partition table manipulator.

fg: Send job to foreground.

fgrep: Search files for fixed strings.

file: Determine file type.

finger: User information lookup program.

fmt: Reformat paragraph text.

fold: Wrap each input line to fit in specified width.

for: Expand words and execute commands.

free: Display amount of free and used memory in the system.

function: Define Function Macros.

g++: GNU project C and C++ compiler.

gawk: Find and Replace text within file(s).

gcc: GNU project C and C++ compiler.

gdb: The GNU Debugger.

getent: Get entries from administrative database.

grep: Search file(s) for lines matching a pattern.

gpassw: Modify a group password.

groupadd: Create a new group.

groupdel: Delete a group.

groupmod: Modify a group definition.

groups: Print group names a user is in.

grpck: Verify integrity of group files.

grpconv: Convert between textual and hashed group files.

gs: Ghostscript (PostScript and PDF viewer).

gunzip: Decompress files compressed with gzip.

gzexe: Compress executable files in place.

gzip: Compress or decompress files.

halt: Stop the system.

hash: Remember the full pathname of a name argument.

hdparm: Get/set hard disk parameters.

head: Output the first part of files.

help: Display help for a built-in command.

hexdump: Display file contents in hexadecimal, decimal, octal, or ASCII.

history: Command history for the current session.

host: DNS lookup utility.

hostid: Print numeric host identifier.

hostname: Print or set system name.

hostnamectl: Control system hostname.

htop: Interactive process viewer.

hwclock: Query and set the hardware clock (RTC).

iconv: Convert text from one character encoding to another.

id: Print user identity.

if: Conditionally perform a command.

ifconfig: Configure a network interface.

iftop: Display bandwidth usage on an interface.

ifup: Bring a network interface up.

import: Capture and save a screenshot.

info: Help information for commands.

insmod: Insert a module into the Linux kernel.

install: Copy files and set attributes.

iostat: Report CPU and input/output statistics.

iotop: Display I/O usage by process.

ip: Show/manipulate routing, devices, policy routing, and tunnels.

ipcrm: Remove a message queue, semaphore set, or shared memory segment.

ipcs: Report inter-process communication facilities status.

iptables: Administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT.

iptables-save: Save current iptables rules to a file.

iwconfig: Configure a wireless network interface.

jobs: List all background jobs.

join: Join lines of two files on a common field.

journalctl: Query the systemd journal or print journal entries.

jed: A fast, compact editor based on the S-Lang library.

kill: Terminate processes by name or process ID.

last: Show listing of last logged in users.

less: Display files or command output one page at a time.

let: Perform arithmetic on shell variables.

ln: Create links to files.

look: Display lines beginning with a given string.

ls: List directory contents.

lsblk: List block devices.

lshw: Display detailed hardware configuration.

lsmod: Show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel.

lsof: List open files.

lsusb: List USB devices.

mailq: Display the mail queue.

man: Display manual pages.

md5sum: Compute and check MD5 message digest.

mkdir: Create directories.

modinfo: Show information about a kernel module.

more: Display files or command output one page at a time.

mount: Mount a file system.

mpstat: Report processor statistics.

mv: Move or rename files.

nc(netcat): TCP/IP swiss army knife.

nmcli: A command-line client for NetworkManager.

nano: Command-line text editor.

netstat: Display network connections, routing tables, and more.

nslookup: Query Internet name servers interactively.

od: Dump files in octal and other formats.

passwd: Change user password.

paste: Merge lines of files.

pidof: Find the process ID of a running program.

pinky: Lightweight user information utility.

pmap: Display memory map of a process.

poweroff: Power off the system.

printf: Format and print data.

ps: Report process status.

pwd: Print current working directory.

ranlib: Generate index to archive.

rcp: Copy files between hosts.

read: Read a line from standard input.

readelf: Display information about ELF files.

readlink: Print value of a symbolic link.

reboot: Reboot the system.

rename: Rename files.

reset: Reset the terminal.

restore: Restore a file system from a backup.

return: Exit a function.

rev: Reverse lines of a file.

rmdir: Remove directories.

rm: Remove files or directories.

rmmod: Remove a module from the Linux Kernel.

route: Show/manipulate the IP routing table.

rsync: Remote file synchronization utility.

sar: System activity reporter.

scp: Secure copy files between hosts.

screen: Full-screen window manager.

script: Record a terminal session.

scriptreply: Play back typescripts, using timing information.

sdiff: Merge two files interactively.

sed: Stream editor for filtering and transforming text.

select: Accept keyboard input.

seq: Print sequences of numbers.

setsid: Run a program in a new session.

shift: Shift positional parameters in a script.

showkey: Display key codes.

shred: Securely delete files.

shutdown: Shut down the system.

sleep: Delay for a specified amount of time.

sort: Sort lines of text files.

source: Run commands from a file.

split: Split a file into pieces.

ssh: Secure shell client.

strace: Trace system calls and signals.

stty: Set terminal options.

sum: Print checksum and block counts for a file.

sync: Synchronize data on disk with memory.

systemctl: Control the systemd system and service manager.

tac: Concatenate and print files in reverse.

tail: Output the last part of files.

tar: Tape archive utility.

tee: Redirect output to multiple files.

time: Time a simple command or give resource usage.

top: Display and update sorted information about processes.

touch: Change file timestamps.

traceroute: Print the route packets trace to network host.

tr: Translate or delete characters.

tracepath: Trace path to a network host.

tree: List contents of directories in a tree-like format.

tty: Print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input.

type: Indicate how a command name is interpreted.

uname: Print system information.

unalias: Remove alias definitions.

unexpand: Convert spaces to tabs.

uniq: Filter adjacent matching lines from input.

unix2dos: Convert text file format from Unix to DOS.

until: Execute commands as long as a condition is false.

uptime: Show how long the system has been running.

username: Print effective user ID.

useradd: Create a new user or update default new user information.

userdel: Delete a user account and related files.

usermod: Modify a user account.

users: List users currently logged in.

vi: Text editor for Unix systems.

vmstat: Report virtual memory statistics.

vnstat: Network traffic monitoring tool.

w: Show who is logged on and what they are doing.

wall: Write a message to all users.

watch: Execute a program periodically, showing output.

wc: Print newline, word, and byte counts for each file.

wget: Retrieve files from the web.

whatis: Display a one-line description for a command.

which: Locate a command.

while: Execute commands repeatedly as long as a condition is true.

who: Show who is logged on.

whoami: Print effective user ID.

write: Send a message to another user.

xargs: Build and execute command lines from standard input.

xdg-open: Open a file or URL using the preferred application.

yes: Output a string repeatedly until killed.

zip: Package and compress files into a zip archive.

zdiff: Compare compressed files.

zdump: Time zone dumper.

zgrep: Search compressed files for a regular expression.

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Linux commands



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