spy16 / moonshot

πŸŒ” A boilerplate Go library for quickly setting up backend for your next moonshot idea!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

πŸŒ” Moonshot

NOTICE: I wanted to grow this project to a customisable Firebase/Supabase alternative. But I think the smart folks at https://pocketbase.io/ nailed it!. So I would highly recommend trying that out.

A boilerplate Go library for quickly setting up your next moonshot idea!


  • βš™οΈ Config management

    • Create struct, pass its pointer to moonshot.App.
    • Moonshot will take care of loading configs from environment/files.
    • File can be overriden by --config flag also.
    • You can run ./myapp configs to see the actual loaded configs.
  • 🌍 HTTP Server setup

    • HTTP server is pre-configured with graceful shutdown enabled.
    • Server is pre-configured with handlers for /health, NotFound, MethodNotAllowed.
    • Panic recovery is enabled.
    • You can set the Routes field in moonshot.App to add custom routes or override.
  • πŸ—ƒοΈ Static File Server

    • Pass --staic-dir & --static-route flags to serve static files on the HTTP server.
    • This can be used to serve front-end app or static assets for your frontend.
  • πŸ—’οΈ Logging

    • log package is automatically configured based on --log-level and --log-format flags.
    • Pass log-context using log.Inject(ctx, fields)
  • ❌ Errors package

    • An easy-to-use errors package with common category of errors pre-defined.
    • Just do errors.ErrInvalid.WithMsgf() or WithCausef() to add additional context.

Refer ./_example for a demo application.


  1. Create main.go.

  2. Initiailise moonshot.App:

    package main
    import "github.com/spy16/moonshot"
    var myConfig struct {
        Database string `mapstructure:"database"`
    func main() {
     app := moonshot.App{
         Name: "myapp",
         Short: "MyApp does cool things",
         CfgPtr: &myConfig,
         Routes: func(r *chi.Mux) {
             r.Get("/", myAppHomePageHandler)
  3. Build the app go build -o myapp main.go

  4. Run the app:

    $ ./myapp --help
    MyApp does cool things
    myapp [command]
    Available Commands:
    configs     Show currently loaded configurations
    help        Help about any command
    serve       Start HTTP server.
    -c, --config string   Config file path override
    -h, --help            help for moonshot-demo
    Use "moonshot-demo [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  • You can run ./myapp serve --addr="localhost:8080" for starting server.


πŸŒ” A boilerplate Go library for quickly setting up backend for your next moonshot idea!

License:MIT License


Language:Go 99.4%Language:Makefile 0.6%